Case Transfer to ST Paul MN


Congratulations! You are close to being approved.

On which date did your case got transferred to MN office? Just want to get some ideas about how soon I can expect to receive the letter. Mine got transferred on 01/06/2005.
venkatm, Thank you for your update. I just got a call from my lawyer telling me that my interview was scheduled on 4/5/05.
We both got GC & passports were stamped today.
Interview was very simple. She looked at my current employment letter, pay stub . Nothing else. I dont know why they called. They asked me to bring past 3 years taxes. She took it & put in a file. Without even looking at them.
DOnt worry. I think whole interview pick is random & process is very simple.
best of luck to U guys. Just keep updating your exceriances for others purpose.
Interview went off fine. I did not get the passport stamped since visa numbers were not available. They are processing priorty date of April 2002 now. My is Aug 2002. Guess I have to wait for a couple of months more.
We got our passports stamped too. The interview was very smooth and simple. The officer just went through all questions on the 485 form and took my employment letter and that's it.

Thanks this forum for giving us lots of helpful information. Good luck to all.