Cards Received / Some Lessons Learned Thru This GC Process


Registered Users (C)
EAC 02-043-*****
RD: 09/07/2001
AD: 09/11/2002
Passport Stamped: 09/20/2002 (Albany, NY)
Cards Ordered: 10/17/2002
Cards Received: 10/22/2002

Lessons learned thru this process:

1. Never call IIO unless the case is taking atleast 2-3 months longer than the normal length. As per the lawyer, such calls bring in extra attention to the case. If calling the INS, let the lawyer handle it.
2. Bad-mouthing the INS and IIOs doesn’t do any good. Respect them and their occupation for they have a very tough job to do by safeguarding the borders against unwanted elements. Step into their shoes and feel the stress they are in.
3. Enjoy life. Don’t let the GC pursuit cloud your mind for a sane life. GC is only a means to a better life in the US, not life itself.
4. Don’t hire cheap lawyers because they are cheaper. Such cases may later involve more time and money, thus beating the purpose. For peace of month and confidence in GC processing, hire good reputable lawyers who are specialized in Immigration only, not a “Jack of all trades."
5. Till GC is obtained, stay informed of all the complex ever-changing INS laws. Its better to be safe than sorry.

God Bless and Good Luck to All.

“But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us” – Romans 5:8
“Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift!” – 2 Corinthians 9:15
“He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things?” – Romans 8:32
Originally posted by Upstate_NY
EAC 02-043-*****
RD: 09/07/2001
AD: 09/11/2002
Passport Stamped: 09/20/2002 (Albany, NY)
Cards Ordered: 10/17/2002
Cards Received: 10/22/2002

Lessons learned thru this process:

1. Never call IIO unless the case is taking atleast 2-3 months longer than the normal length. As per the lawyer, such calls bring in extra attention to the case. If calling the INS, let the lawyer handle it.
2. Bad-mouthing the INS and IIOs doesn’t do any good. Respect them and their occupation for they have a very tough job to do by safeguarding the borders against unwanted elements. Step into their shoes and feel the stress they are in.
3. Enjoy life. Don’t let the GC pursuit cloud your mind for a sane life. GC is only a means to a better life in the US, not life itself.
4. Don’t hire cheap lawyers because they are cheaper. Such cases may later involve more time and money, thus beating the purpose. For peace of month and confidence in GC processing, hire good reputable lawyers who are specialized in Immigration only, not a “Jack of all trades."
5. Till GC is obtained, stay informed of all the complex ever-changing INS laws. Its better to be safe than sorry.

God Bless and Good Luck to All.

“But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us” – Romans 5:8
“Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift!” – 2 Corinthians 9:15
“He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things?” – Romans 8:32

well said ric2........

i was going to post the same reply...........
Easier said when u are on the other side..........

Safeguarding borders.....their duty...blah blah blah..........

I wonder y u never posted this while u were waiting for the approval notice...........:confused:

Anyways............enjoy your freedom and pray for others..........goodluck.........
shouldn't even

reply to such postings which advise after getting approved.
My 2 cents.
Folks, you are right. Its easier to say when one's case is done.

But even before, I used to get frustrated by waiting but have not taken it on the IIOs or in this discussion.

upstate_ny you are lucky

you are lucky that your was approved in almost one year time period . Had it taken 100 days after 1 year and if you had seen people having a RD 4 months of you getting approved then We would have seen your patience and your resolve to not to call IIO.

If somebody whose approval has taken more time than normal and if he had given this advice it would have made sense........
Anyway Good luck, have fun !

This is not to his defense but coz I hold almost similar views.....

I guess upstate_ny has been fairly reasonable in what he stated.

He did mention about "not calling unless..................delay" etc.

I do believe, though, that calling an IIO depending upon other urgencies (beyond just process delay) like travel, job layoffs etc. should be OK.

I found nothing pointing to complacency in any of his comments, rather noteworthy.
upsate_ny and dma_va

hey I didn't mean any offense to anyone .............This whole processing is so &*^*(&)^^%*^ that you really get upset when someone lectures like this, I guess everyone in this forum knows that calling INS in case of delays as they will keep saying same shit " We are processing sep 15......" and you see a dozen of October approval daily.But still people can't resist the temptation
because someone's EAD is expiring, someone's AP is expirning, someone has RFE, someone has other problem. I don't think anyone calls just for the sake of calling an IIO