Best places to live after GC - Houston


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I currently live in NJ and don't like the commute, cost of living and quality of life.

I would like to move to an area where one can find decent IT (Networking) opportunities, commute is not a major concern, cost of living is reasonable and a better quality of life, currently considering Houston, TX….. Please share your opinion?
there isn't one best place ...

but there may be one for you!

I am not joking above - because the best place really depends on what you like, what your situation is etc.

We spent almost 6 months deciding on a place - and since both my wife and I work from home, we could be anywhere we could find broadband :)

It really depends on your situation - do you have kids? do they go to school? Do you like city life? How do you handle cold weather? Do you hate high heat? Are you afraid of hurricanes? earthquakes? the list is endless.

This is a good site that helped us: findyourspot
take their survey and see what comes up.

We ended up in Colorado - and love it here. Though it was the second in the result from findyourspot. I think Austin, TX was #1.