August Filers Post Here

I aced my interview today :) I was told that my application has been approved and should expect my card in the mail in the next 2wks. Will post experience later, for now all I need is some food and sleep.:p
Good Luck to all still waiting.
My interview was at 12. I read on this forum that early morning is a good sign & afternoon is a bad sign, so with my 12, I didn't know what to think. My DO is in another state (5.5hrs drive), a different time zone, I was to loose 1 hr to - so I left my place at 3.45am! to have an hr extra just in case.
We (my husband & I) arrived @10.30, and just hanged in the car in the lot. 11.15 we checked into the building. The lady at the bldg check-in told me to check-in on the 2nd floor. But then I thought she was confused cos my IL said 3rd fl. Up the elevator, someone got off 2nd, and I saw 'Citizenship', which confirmed my thought that she was confused.On 3rd, we got off and I saw AOS, and a bunch of pple seated, so we sat down and started chatting. One officer would come out, call out a name, and walk in with the person(s). There was no check-in place or anything, but then I thought, well, someone will just call us.

At 11.55, an officer walked out of one of the closed doors into the waiting area and called a name. Then a lady who had just walked into the waiting area walked to the officer. We had paused our chat just long enough for me to hear their conversation. She asked the officer that she'd come for an interview, what should she do? The officer told her to first go to 2nd floor to check in. My heart missed a beat. I flew out of that room, past the stairs to the 2nd floor. My husband tried to tell me to wait for the elevator but i didn't have a second to waste. All he could do was follow me and not try to argue with me. I handed my IL to the lady on the 2nd. She told me to take a seat, Tik, tik,11.57. I was now panicking. Then she called me, handed the IL back, this time we took the elevator and back upstairs. Hardly had we sat than a lady walked out and called out my name. We almost missed this interview!

It was quite brief, about 10 mins max. Basically she asked us about each other, like she'd ask me, what's your husband's DOB and vice versa (for personal info). And then she'd check on the forms. Questions related to my status, entry etc were directed to me. Basically the questions were about what was on the forms. She then asked us for evidence supporting our marriage. We didn't have a lot, and I must confess everytime I saw pple post their long lists of evidence here, I lost an ounce of sleep. We had our bank statements none of us direct-deposits, we had our tax returns I did a few days ago, we had our tickets and car rental papers for travels, then pix. That's it. But these documents are dated even before we were married. My only confidence was in the fact that this is a real deal. She took all the ones I gave her. She didn't quite look at the pix or take any. She just liked scanned thru and asked where we took the pix.

All this while, I thought the hard part was yet to come. In fact I thought we'd get a stokes kind cos we didn't have much evidence. I thought we'd either be separated, or grilled momentarily. We had prepared to excel. Then she started asking me about the - have you ever been arrested, practiced prostitution, etc. That is when it dawned on me that it's over! No, no, no to the questions, and she told me - your application is approved! Then she took away my i-94 and told me that I don't need it anymore, and should expect my card in __ weeks. I promise, I was soaking in that moment, I can't recall the number but my husband said it was 2. She also wrote on a sticky note I751 and told me how i should not fail to file it. However, I haven't seen any change on my online status, still says case received and pending or whatever.

I have 2 question, if anyone knows the answers:
1. I have a chance to file H1B, is it allowed? I don't want to any one day stick in a marriage for a GC.
2. Do I need a special document to travel, or the CGC will suffice?

All the best to Aug filers still waiting. Will stop by often and hope to thread again in late 2011.
Interviewed today. Approved.

Our interview was scheduled on 8:30am. My wife and I arrived at 8am and there were about 12 couples in the waiting room, some of them with lawyer. Before we were called, 5 other couples had entered the inside office for interview. Our names was called at 9am and a 45-year-old-like male interview officer guided us to his cubicle. We were supprised that this officer was newly transfer from other office and a serior female officer was in his cubical as well. Both of them were nice to us. So basically we were interviewd by two officers.

He sworn us in and checked our passport and verified our name and phone number. His questions started with our relationship, like how did you meet, where do you live, did you live togother before marriage, how long have you been married, current job, previous job, previous status (I entered US as a F1 student), my wife's previous marriage (how long, when did you separate, when did you divorce, did you have kid), who cooks, what's your favorite food, etc...He also asked for seeing our pictures and we were talking about some scenes in the pictures. He also took our original joint bank statements, insurance printout, my I-94 and my old EAD (from OPT). Female officer was not just listening. She also had some questions about our birth certificate and two officers also had some discussion outside the cubicle and we couldn't hear. She even took our birth certificate to her supervisor and her supervisor apparently had no problem with our BC. Lastly, he asked some yes/no questions listed in my I-485. There were no questions about tax return, salary, W2, etc. He had no more questions and approved our applications. He said my conditional GC should arrive in 2-6 weeks. Our whole interview lasted about 20-25 minutes.

8/20/2008 I-130 & I-485 mailed to Chicago LockBox (I didn't apply for I-131 and I-765)
8/22/2008 Applications received by USCIS
8/26/2008 Check cashed
9/2/2008 NOA for I-485 received
9/2/2008 NOA for Fingerprint received
9/9/2008 NOA for I-130 received
9/10/2008 I-130 Case online
9/18/2008 Fingerprint done
9/18/2008 I-485 Case online
12/6/2008 Interview letter received (for 2/18/2009 interview)
2/4/2009 LUD on I-130 and I-485
2/18/2009 Interview approved
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still waiting

i haven't got any update yet.the latest notice told my case was sent to California 2 month ago and nothing after husband called them and they gave him another code to follow the case .i am very worried especially when i see lots of august filers got their GC.:confused:
i haven't got any update yet.the latest notice told my case was sent to California 2 month ago and nothing after husband called them and they gave him another code to follow the case .i am very worried especially when i see lots of august filers got their GC.:confused:

So you are still waiting for an IL?
GC received today!

8/20/2008 I-130 & I-485 mailed to Chicago LockBox (I didn't apply for I-131 and I-765)
8/22/2008 Applications received by USCIS
8/26/2008 Check cashed
9/2/2008 NOA for I-485 received
9/2/2008 NOA for Fingerprint received
9/9/2008 NOA for I-130 received
9/10/2008 I-130 Case online
9/18/2008 Fingerprint done
9/18/2008 I-485 Case online
12/6/2008 Interview letter received (for 2/18/2009 interview)
2/4/2009 LUD on I-130 and I-485
2/18/2009 Interview approved
2/23/2009 Welcome letter received.
3/2/2009 GC received.
Congrats to everyone on their successful interviews! Thanks for posting your experiences... they're very helpful as we're going for ours next week!! Can't wait for this to be over.

I got even more anxious when I discovered a mistake on my husbands I-130: for the question at which address, and since when we lived together (from Nov 2006), we answered my most recent arrival date in the States (Oct 2007) instead.

Are these kind of honest mistakes going to be a problem? Should I just hope they're not going to notice, or print out a correct I-130 and hand it over even if they don't see it? Your advice is very much appreciated!!
My green card has been approved!!

Our experience:
We had an early appointment this morning, and we took place in the waiting room, in which about 5 people were waiting. Later, it got a bit busier, but we were called in right at our appointment time. I noticed we were a bit overdressed compared to other applicants (me in suit and hubby in business casual) but better that than the opposite situation. At least the officer was also dressed in business attire so I felt comfortable overall.

She started with taking the oath, after which we sat down. The office was small, but luckily it wasn't a cubicle as I've read in other stories. There wasn't really any small talk, but she was very nice throughout the interview. First she asked for my passport, and my husband's and my drivers license. She told me she took my I-94 since I wouldn't need that anymore.
The interview took about 20 minutes, and was going over the facts in the application, and questions about how we met. Other questions that came up: Where we met, whether my husband asked me out right away, where we went for our first date, when/where my husband proposed, where we had dinner, whether he got me a ring, where we got married, whether we had a reception, whether my family was there, etc. She wrote everything down.

As you can read in the post above, I found a mistake in the I-130. Yesterday, we found another one (more serious - a mistake in my husband's social security number). We mentioned it right away since I saw she had the I-130 in front of her. I had printed out a corrected I-130, but I didn't offer it, because she just corrected it on the application and wasn't bothered by it at all. She asked my husband all the questions of the applications. We then went over all the dates I've traveled, and I was happy I made a little overview for myself.
She then asked if we would like to submit any evidence showing financial and other co-mingling. We gave our phone bills, app lease, shared bank accounts, joint CD, medical/dental insurance, and car insurance proof. We forgot to show any pictures, but my husband did put it in front of her on her desk (we sat close by) so she must have seen we had some.
As I expected a good number of questions were about my (frequent) travels on tourist visas, and one incident with customs a while ago. She was ok with that, and told me it happens more often. She repeatedly asked me whether I've ever overstayed a tourist visa, and I was pretty happy that I never had. She took my word for it, since we only went over my arrival dates, and not over my departure dates.
Then the last questions were the standard ones (gambling, prostitution, polygamy etc) and added some more. She went over all of them word-by-word.

She then said that we were done, and told me she just had to review our case before she could approve it. My heart skipped a beat, since I've heard so many horror stories of people getting stuck in the system. I asked for clarification, since I wanted to know what the problem was. She just told that was just the way she worked - she didn't want to just say yes. I was kind of worried, but went with it anyway... what else can you do? I then asked her whether the FBI name check cleared, and she looked at it, and said that was all fine. I then offered to give her my EAD and AP, since I thought she would take that as well. She said she just needed my I-94, nothing else. Alright - we left the room, and drove home... I wasn't completely happy about the last part. Although our whole application was good, something just didn't feel right.

After being on the road for 10 minutes, I realized I left something in her office. We decided to drive back and get it. After waiting for a while in the waiting room, she came out with my stuff, and said: "while you're here, I actually have some more questions.." Ok, I thought, this can be good I suppose. She wanted to see recent evidence of my employment, and I gave it to her, as well as updated paystubs, since SEVIS' last report on me was from 2007. I then asked her again whether everything should be alright, and she responded that it should be pretty straightforward. She just needed some more time.

After that, my worst fears of getting stuck in the system started to take over my thoughts... I kept checking the USCIS website, but no update... until just now. It now says: "card production ordered" Best news of the day!! I assume she really just needed some more time; maybe she didn't have the time this morning to go over it completely..

Either way, everything turned out to be great! I am now so exhausted - can't wait to go to sleep. I'll have some nice dreams.. :)

Good luck to everyone on upcoming interviews! I'll be thinking of you guys!
I am so sorry but sure all will be fine soon.
Keep the faith

Today, I got an email saying "Card Production Ordered." -- that is good news correct?


Congrats AnnaHJ! and thanks to all of you who sent good thoughts my way. Truly appreciated. It's easier when you know you share the same journey with other people. All the best to all of us!
COngrats to all of you who have received the GC and IL!!!

I am not sure what is going on with my wifes case, applied in August, and the case was transferred on 10/02/08, more than 5 months now and no IL... any idea why this might be?? How can I find out more?
COngrats to all of you who have received the GC and IL!!!

I am not sure what is going on with my wifes case, applied in August, and the case was transferred on 10/02/08, more than 5 months now and no IL... any idea why this might be?? How can I find out more?

I called USCIS about my daughter's GC, we had same IDs, i have mine and have not heard anything about hers... I was told they cannot do anything because the case is not out of the processing time, they are currently processing May. You may want to call and see. I don't want to do an infopass, my DO is 6hrs away, so i will patiently wait for the next 3mths.

I can imagine how you feel - :eek:
COngrats to all of you who have received the GC and IL!!!

I am not sure what is going on with my wifes case, applied in August, and the case was transferred on 10/02/08, more than 5 months now and no IL... any idea why this might be?? How can I find out more?

Any update on your case ali?
Today, I got an email saying "Card Production Ordered." -- that is good news correct?


Congrats AnnaHJ! and thanks to all of you who sent good thoughts my way. Truly appreciated. It's easier when you know you share the same journey with other people. All the best to all of us!

aaaaaaaaaaah wow..
congratulation my dear...
and AnnaHJ...I am so happy for you. Glad all went well.
Congratulations once again everyone and good luck to all those who are waiting..
aaaaaaaaaaah wow..
congratulation my dear...
and AnnaHJ...I am so happy for you. Glad all went well.
Congratulations once again everyone and good luck to all those who are waiting..

Thanks ProudPal! What a relief indeed (and I don't even have the card in hand yet!)
August filers tally:

1/21 - imme (???)
1/26 - ProudPal (approved)
1/27 - panther0528 (approved)
1/28 - pat2ondo (approved)
2/5 - dasi485 (approved)
2/9 - ilovethe80s (approved)
2/14 - Jupiter07 (approved)
2/18 - fresh863 (approved)
2/23 - talkingtac (???)
3/9 - annaHJ (approved)
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August filers tally:

1/21 - imme (???)
1/26 - ProudPal (approved)
1/27 - panther0528 (approved)
1/28 - pat2ondo (approved)
2/5 - dasi485 (approved)
2/9 - ilovethe80s (approved)
2/14 - Jupiter07 (approved)
2/18 - fresh863 (approved)
2/23 - talkingtac (???)
3/9 - annaHJ (approved)

Ilovethe80's, please donate to me some of your time!:)