August case Approved! Early FP helps!!!!!


Registered Users (C)
My I-485 info:

WAC-01-266-xxxxx (San Jose EB2)

RD: 08/02/2001
ND: 08/27/2001

FP received: 02/02/2002
  scheduled: 03/15/2002
       done: 02/09/2002

AVM changed to \'Pending Review\' on 2/11/2002

Received Approval letter at home on 02/23/2002

AVM changed to \'..Approved on 02/20/202..\'

Hang in there guys. Your turn will come soon!!!!

I am not on Ciba or PCee\'s list. But I would like to
throw my 2 cents base on some info from my friends:

1) Two of my friends (May cases, I don\'t have their info)
got approved this month.

2) One of them told me the day he went to stamp, the
San Jose office had very few people. He was supprised
how come so few people went that day.

3) One other friend (Appril case) got approved and stamped
three months back. He was laidoff but passed 180 days.
Luckly he did not get the inverview.

4) One other friend in Cisco has got his labor, but was
rejected when applied for the I-140. The reason was \'Cisco
has laid off so many people, there is no reason to hire foreigners\'.
This might be the reason why Cisco stopped applying GC for people now.

5) Fewer new grads are able to get offers now, that means fewer cases
go into INS.

6) Fewer companies are willing to hire H1 now, that also means fewer
cases go into INS.

7) INS has increased the fee lately, that means they shall show us
some better performance.

Given all these, I think they will start approving cases within 6 month.

At last, hope all you guys good luck!

How it is possible ? WAC-01-266-xxxxx

My RD is 6/25/01. My Receipt number is WAC-01-264-xxxxx. I believe 264 is the day in the fiscal year. For a august RD 266, just after two days. How this is possible? Just curious.
Those who rely on this board are being

tormented with fake postings.all those who post the fake messages you are no different then those who killed Daniel Pearl.
Since people like me are desperate for our own reasons to get a GC ASAP and you play around with them.There are enough places on the WWW to do what you intend to do.
Please respect others feelings and refrin from such a kind of act.
I do not know if the owner of the thread has posted a fake message.It is to who ever do so.
rjngh2000, looks like that, But

how can that be possible?Are the numbers(ex:266,270 or whatever) available not used totally by the time they reach the next.
reply to rjngh2000

there are 2 others. there are many more people around same rd with nd as 9/10 or so. ok, it is a coincidence that these few people leapfrogged over others in the receipting of their cases. what arouses doubt is that fp date is 2/11 and ad is 2/20. approval 11 days from fp? not possible given recent trends. too abnormally early for my liking.
kotaG kRIS

The three digit number in the middle is not a unique number. It is just the working day of the year when the I485 application was noted.

My RD is 07.25.01 and ND is 08.20.01 (WAC # 01-262-5XXXX).
I assure you it is not a fake. And there have been some cases in the past who have got approval 1 week after FP (see Ciba\'s site)

So do not rush to judge people. Relax it might just be true...
I am not ...

I clearly mentioned the owner of the thread might not have put a fake message.But if there is any it hurts
Friends !

The RD/FTP etc makes sense but what I am amazed by the approval( less then two weeks from FP) and other then that there are not may approvals for JULY RD and how come Aug RD got precedence?.

I have heard from my friends who work at Oracle that a few folks( in their company) were approved in 1week from their FP. Sounds little difficult in the current times.

I hope this is true, as miracles do happen.

My ND is Aug 24th and my wac # 266

I feel he is either just fooling or he has to check the details he has gvn.
My friend got approval in 2 weeks.

My friend got his approval in 2 weeks from FP. He went for early FP. His approvel has come before his actual FP Schd date!!.
It could be true.

When we saw the first aprroved case for July, most approved cases were for RD April/May, and we saw few approved case for RD Jun. I believe the same thing happaned for Aug case. Congratulation, friend, you brought good news for Aug RDers!
You mean $3 bill

$2 bills, though rare, are in circulation and are legal tender. They have Jefferson\'s picture.
Thank you, I485Waiter2001, rjngh2000, sonofindia, azcowboy0071.....

It is the 4th day since I created this thread. Looks like more and more people with the similar ND (8/24~27) and WAC-01-266-xxxxx are getting approved. It makes me feel better because at least my message did show some trend/progress of the San Jose office.

I am supprised that many people thought my message is a fake one. I have seen this happenned to other people before. Now I really understand why in the world there are people being punished for something he never did, there are people being sent to prison for things he didn\'t do.

For those who love to JUDGE people, I hope you can stop doing this on this board. I see little reason why pople will post fake message on the board. If you don\'t believe, just ignor the message. Don\'t hurt people. I feel sorry for those who said I am fooling. I think they lack of the human beauty - Respect and Trust.

Again, thanks for those who gave me support and those who post objective messages. You are the real owners of the board.

At last, if any one still think my message is a fake one. I have scanned my approval notice. I don\'t mind to post it on the net. JUST ASK, if you want.

Wish you all can get your approval soon!


I have used this thread, to let those who post fake messages understand what it means to post those kind of messages!In my message I have mentioned I am not judging the owner of this thread!From the bottom of my heart I Congratulate you!

There were people who were fooling around on this board and there is every reason to believe they might be doing again,That is the root cause of frustuation.
I mailed my app on 7/05 and my rd is 7/17 where as those who mailed on 7/6 have there receipt date as 7/7.So, any thing can happen with INS.
I said earlier I repeat I am not judging you or any one on the board.All I would say is in general to all ,Please be honest on this board as this is my(and many others) only source of Info.

Best Reagrds