Approved!!! per AVM


New Member
Hello, everybody

I and my wife checked AVM in INS just like what usually we do everyday. Today, we got magic words "This cas has been approved on ...." Horay!! This is so wonderful and amazing. I can feel and smell our freedom. Thank you very much everybody in here. This site is so great and I got a lot of help from here for information and emotional feelings. Once again, Thank you everybody. I hope and believe all of your cases will be approved in a soon. Here is the detail of my case

PD : 03/2000
RD : 06/2000
ND : 07/2000
FP : 09/2000
AD : 10/01/2001

My Receit number is SRC-00-215-*****

P.S : How can I know when I can take a stamp on my passport? Since I have pretty tight schedule on this month, I don\'t want to make a trouble for getting a stamp. Am I supposed to get exact time and date for stampping? or just date from INS to take a stamp.

Have a nice day

You can go for stamping any day at local INS office after receiving the
approval copy. I am still waiting for the approval (AD:09/21/01). It is
advised to go in the afternoon as the rush is less. In the mornings,
you will have to wait in line with people seeking other services.

tsc0900 - Your case was approved on 09/21/01. Did you get the approval notice ? I heard, now there is a freeze (inter office, intra office files) for INS audit. Is it going to affect the approval notice mails ?

No Title

I have not received the aproval notice yet. The AVM does say that I
need to speak with an IIO if it is 14 days overdue. This will happen
this Friday.
bbdhong, congrats! in I see your posting as AD 2000

your AD is Oct 2000 or Oct 2001? could you put first 5 digits of your SRC # in immitracker?
mine 00097xxxxx
PD 1/99
RD 2/00
ND 2/00
FP 5/00
still waiting..!
My number is

Approval Date was 10/01/2001. and my SRC # :00-215-XXXXX. I got the approval notice 10/12/2001 and stamp 10/19/2001 from Atlanta INS. I hope your case will be approved in a soon. It will not take that much long time since TSC seems to be working gradually.