APPROOOOVEEED, luckGC, right after replying ur thread, i checked my email

fanshan said:
Fira, prasa, khan_bache, luckGC..., if you are still waiting and you've done your FP2, check with FBI to see if your name check is finished. Most likely name check is holding your case.

If you are waiting for FP2, get some help, say from senator/congressman, to have them done. :)

so long!

Congratulation again and thanks for the advice.

I am not sure why I am not getting response from FBI, per congressman & senator office INS waiting for my Name & Date of Birth check.
Khan_bache, FBI can take 40 days to respond.

On 6/2/04, Fax'd FBI, got reply on 7/13 saying my nc was done on 6/14/04. spouse's done in 11/03

On 7/8/04, called congressman, being told INS had name check result on 6/30/04. will be approved in 30 days

AD:7/19/2004 (received email notices)

For Kid, it says:
"On July 19, 2004, after approving your application, we ordered you a new card". It does not say approval notice.

luckGC, i do not know the answer to your question. I only know i had to get congressman's help to our case moved (do not bother them too often).
To Fan Shan

How do you get to know that your case is pending because of FBI’ name check not completed? My ND is March, 2002, and RFE reply received on May 10, 2002. I called last week, and was only told to wait two more weeks.

Any information is highly appreciated.
What I could Do, to Fan Shan

How do you know the your case is pending because FBI’s name check is not completed? When did you call? My RD is March, 2002, and RFE reply was received May 12, 2002. I called last week, and was only told to wait 2 more weeks. I don’t know what else I could or should do. Any information is highly appreciated.
CI-WAITING, just ask FBI, it will take sometime like 35 days for fbi to reply, though

Here is my request to FBI:

FBI Name Check Department
Tel: 202-324-2399
Fax: 202-324-3367

Dear Sir/Madam,

Our Immigration cases have been with USCIS since ***. All the 20 cases after ours were approved in either May or June of 2003 (yes 2003), our cases are still pending due to name check. So could you tell me about how long it will take for the check to finish?

Your time and effort is very much appreciated!

Your Name1 (A#:***) (DOB: ***)
Your Name2 ....

Your Tel:*******
Your email:*****
fanshan said:
good luck to you all especially to TUFAN
fanshan: Congrats from the bottom of my heart. So the FBI name check is really a reason for the delay? Why did your FBI name check take so a long time? Any suggestions to share? IC
IC, I would call them or fax them(my prior post) to see if namecheck is the problem.

Most likely it is, but i do not know why it was taking so long. FBI told my friend that if the namecheck request from INS was issued during 12/01-1/02, then there is a back log for the check on FBI side.
fanshan said:
Most likely it is, but i do not know why it was taking so long. FBI told my friend that if the namecheck request from INS was issued during 12/01-1/02, then there is a back log for the check on FBI side.

I think most of us are in this time period.

But what kind of back log?
AprilGC, see my previous update in this thread.

somebody started a thread w.r.t. FBI namecheck backlog