Apply AP in NYC


Registered Users (C)
I plan go to NYC local office to apply AP in person next week because of the family emergency. I heard from customer service center that NYC INS is very busy and I had to wait for a long time.
Does anyone travel to NYC INs recently? How early should I get there? Is there any place where I can park the car?
Thank you in advance for your information.
A friend of mine went there end of last year to get a emergency AP and she had to stay there for 6 hours and go back 3 days later to get the document.
Just get there very early (no later than 6:00)and be prepared to wait many hours...if you have a good lucky maybe they will give you the document on the same day...who knows?
I think you better take the train to save money on parking.And just in case, let your lawyer know you are going there for AP.
Good lucky!