All data from Gking\'s file added to the tracker


Registered Users (C)
Most of the data are now added to the tracker. I did not add anyhting which already existed as it would have resulted in duplicates. Some data were just updated for previously registered users. And some are totally new entries. I also looked at angelfire site, but those data did not contain many FP/AD so didnt bother to look into them. I also added yesterday\'s approval (Savithari and Anyhelp)

Some of the dates (PD/RD/ND) may not make sense as some of them were missing. Whenever I found a PD or RD missing, I used all three as ND and so on. Since country info was also not available, I left the country info to default (India).

If you are interested in seeing AD trend. First filter the data with the beginning date from 1/1/1999 and then click on AD (the blue color link at the top of the table). It will then show you the AD trend.

Guys, please have a look and if you find any error, please bring it to our attention. From now on let us make sure that we remind users to add their data and if not, we will update the data manually on a weekly/daily basis.

Finally, if you have not enterd/updated the tracker (, please do so to help all of us.
Thank you so much sg94ahpw1


Thanks so much for doing this.

EVERYONE - If you have not already done so or have had your information registered for you please do try and keep it up to date. The site will be helpful only if people keep updating it. GKing and sg94ahpw1 have taken the time to gather the information people post here and put it into the site but please try and take the time to keep your record updated

If you think there are bugs, user friend issues etc please email me at and I will look into them ASAP. Bugs will be fixed right away, features or modications might take a little more time as I have a full time job, wife and Everquest addiction.

I will be more than happy to walk people through step by step if they are having trouble using the site.
Just counted the total number of 2002 approval data in the tracker

It is about 70 which makes it easy to see the recent trend.
Yes, mumbaigc has already updated his details

And there are 9 approval entries in the tracker for Apr 1-9.