AC21 RFE May24


Registered Users (C)
My Case:
I 495 ND Jul1, 2002 Company A
RFE May24, 2004
RFE Deadline Aug1, 2004 (reach BCIS)

My Complicated Job History:

change job Company B Jun-Sept2003 (Contractor, due to Company A layoff)
Company C Sept2003-Jun2004 (Contractor)
Got job offer (permanent employee) from client Company D directly.
New Job Start Date: June14, 2004

My Question:
Should I wait one pay period for Company-D (final one)'s pay stub?
By the way, Company D is 4Billion revenue company. Should their annual report is enough?

I plan submit Three W-2 2003(Company A/B/C) and one pay stub for Company D, then I have to submit response to my RFE beginning of July when I got my 1st pay stub.

Any ideas is welcome. Thanks
