AC(21) on Hold, Is this true???

That person is unlucky

That person has just got an IIO that is being stubborn. This is the first case I have heard of where this has happened on the immigration boards.
The INS has still not issued any regulations under AC21 yet!

The following posting is from the web page.

"AC21 Frequently Asked Questions

"We at The Law Office of Sheela Murthy receive many questions about the portability provisions of The American Competitiveness in the Twenty-first Century Act (AC21) for Adjustment of Status applicants. These questions arise daily in consultations with our clients and on the MurthyForum, as well as in our weekly MurthyChat. What follows are Frequently Asked Questions and their answers under the actual law with INS\' present interpretation. It is important to keep in mind that INS is not bound by their present interpretation and position, although it is likely that, when finally issued, their regulations will be consistent with these earlier interpretations. To provide some comfort and support, Mr. William R. Yates, Executive Associate Commissioner at INS Headquarters, Washington, D.C., has advised us at various meetings that a good-faith and reasonable interpretation of the AC21 should not and will not subject one to penalties for violations of the law.

"Essentially, AC21 allows for approval of employment-based adjustment of status applications through an employment offer other than the one contained in the labor certification and I-140, provided certain requirements are met. Those eligibility requirements under section 106(c) of AC21 are that (a) the I-485, Application for Adjustment of Status, must be pending (unadjudicated) for 180 days or more; and (b) the new job must be the same as, or similar to, the job described in the labor certification and I-140 petition. As of this March 2002 writing (and as regular MurthyBulletin and MurthyDotCom readers are aware), the INS has still not issued any regulations under AC21.Therefore, much uncertainty still remains with respect to many matters."

There is also a couple of answers to FAQs on that same webpage.

Hope this will give you an idea.

Thanks and good luck to you.
Person who has posted "AC(21) is on hold" is making sick joke!!!

Hi All,

Please don\'t pay any attention to post "AC(21) is on hold". I think this person is just trying to have some sadistic fun. It seems to be a sick joke.


Well my posting is not a joke may be the URL I am pointing is a joke.
(myself not sure). I myself received this URL from yahoo 180 days mailing list posting.

I am also a 485 applicant like you all and in the same boat.
Is this URL message joke or true - AC21 new approval please give your thoughts

New AC21 Cases approved guys, please give your thoughts
khi_boy I am not talking about your posting

I am talking about the posting at following URL.

First that fellow is simply avoiding giving his details. Second he says that he took a help from a AILA lawyer who has screwed up which is hard to believe.

Do you think only that IIO has brains to says that immigrants are taking jobs from Americans & all other IIOs from all other INS centers are stupid?

It is a simple question of logic. If AC21 is on hold, then INS would come up with a regulation & will officially announce it.

There are some people who take a sadistic joy in putting such messages. Probably that fellow already has got his GC & he knows that people are stressed out & with such a post panic spreads. I think by reading the replies to his post, that guy & his friends must be having nice laugh.

So lets examine the facts & use our judgement in such cases. If we ignore these kind of posts, then this thing will stop

Guys. don\'t believe every thing you read.

If AC21 is on hold, then you will see that information in sites such as,, I believe the information posted on these sites than some sick nonsense thread. In one of the i-485 discussion forum, one guy wrote lengthy paragraphs on I-485 processing. When his time came up, he is asking all the people that "is birth certificate necessary for I-485 processing or affidavit is enough". So don\'t pay attention some thing which is misleading.
No Title

True or not, I do not know. However, if it did happen, the only channel is to challenge it in court. Of course, that means $$$$.