3 months in the district or in the local office area


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one of my known couple is living in MO state which has 2 offices one in St Loius,MO and other in Kansas city, MO.

Kansas City, MO is the DO and is faster than STL.

The place they currently live is closer to STL, can they move closer to Kansas city and file from there as the district doesnot change is the 3 month requirement to live in advance in Kansas rule apply here or can they just move to Kansas right before filling
JoeF said:
8 CFR 316.3:
" For purposes of this section, the applicant's residence in a State where there are two or more districts will be sufficient to comply with the jurisdictional requirement of residence in any one of those districts. "

Thanks JoeF, it looks like then they essentially don't even need to live in Kansas City, MO at all as they have lived in St. Louis,MO for 5 yrs and fulfill the requirement of jurisdictional requirement of residence for the state of MO anyways and thus should be able to file from Kansas City, MO to take advantage of faster processing time of 3 months there.

Having said that just wondering quite a few folks can do the same if they have a need to get citizenship faster by a few months as in this case they would like to go and settle back in India after getting ciitizenship.