02 March ers still waiting....


Registered Users (C)
Any updates you all? My LUD changed drastically from 5/26.. 6/2... 6/9 and thats it. Silence from then on...

My WAC 02-129*. Any activity for people waiting around the same WAC# ?
WAC 02 124
LUD 6/3 which was the day that my lawyer contacted them and asked them where my case was, they told him with an officer and that it would be "a few weeks"

Case status missing...

The LUD on my case was updated on 06/17 & 06/18 and I received address change confirmation letter dated 06/18 (I sent address change request on 06/06). On thrusday the date changed to 06/24 and the case status is being shown as "missing". I though something is going to happen soon, but nothing. The case status continues to be "missing". Did it happen to anybody before.
What was the final outcome?.

Wac 02-138

My case was not touched for two years (since FP1 in the June/July timeframe 2002).

Last week I called up CIS to notify the new postal address and the touch date changed to 6/24/2004. No FP2 or anything ...
WAC 02-103
LUD 06-14,15,22,23,24
2nd FP received on 06/08/04
Nothing after 06/24/04, just hope..
no 2nd FP & no RFE

no change in status and message since 2002
no 2nd FP and RFE
- not one of those lucky guys :-(

No second FP , no RFE

LUD was last touched on 5/21

My wife's case was touched 6/09

No movement after that.

Sent a fax inquiry . No results

Planning to make a second tier inquiry through the lawyer
AOSWaitAtCSC said:
The case status continues to be "missing".

Can you please tell us what does it exactly say? I ask because I had the "missing" status on Saturday, but now it's back to "FP received".
Sent in Change of Address twice.
First no response.
Second, sent on 23-Jun. Waiting for response. No LUD change either time.
Sent 1st level enquiry on May 21st. LUD changed for Primary
LUD for derivative changed on 9th June
No RFE, no FP as on date.
2nd level enquiry sent in today. No LUD change as of now.
The status for this Receipt Number cannot be found at this time in this automated system. Please check your case receipt number to see if it is correct. If you have questions or concerns about your case status, please contact the National Customer Service Center.

National Customer Service Center (800) 375-5283
The first paragraph in bold. I checked it now, and it is not back yet.

2 FP was done on 06/10.

LUDS : 5/26, 6/14, 6/23, 6/24. Nothing after that. Called BCIS for inquiry today. The lady said that the system is currently processing April 15 cases, my case should be received atleast 30 days before April 15, so they could not send an inquiry.

Did 2nd FP on May 21th. The LUD is may 28th.
Sent a fax last week, but nothing happens.
Keep checking the online message, but no change. :mad: :mad: :mad:
I never got updates on whether my 2nd FP (01/09/04) was received by INS or not. Of course, FBI said that the results were sent to INS in the second week of Jan itself.

Then out of the blue, on 24 May 2004 I get an RFE (Emp Letter, 3 W-2). I sent my response and it was received by INS on the 06/16 and then there was an LUD on 06/18 (no idea why).

So thats my story. I am happy at least that my case has been looked into :D

Everytime my LUD change I thought the end is near, but nothing happened so far

What do you all think of email champion? Any particular concerns?

Effective or not, at least we tried. And judging from the fact that most of the activists in this forum that take action got approval long before us, my guess is it might do something good for ourselves and everyone else.