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  1. C

    EB1/EA and NIW both approved

    Congradulation! Do you mind providing more detailed information regarding your qualification, etc? Which service center? Thanks crcr
  2. C

    MD and EB1

    to wi lca Thank you very much, wi lca. One question about "Working in underserved area and filing for NIW based on that happens after you have completed the residency etc and are licensed to practice medicene.". Does that mean that filing NIW by working in underserved area can only be...
  3. C

    MD and EB1

    to wi lca Hi, wi lca: I also hold MD degree from my home country, and currently PhD student at 5th year. Hope this year would be the last year of this tedious PHD program. I already took step 1 and going to take step 2 and CS soon. I am thinking to go through NIW by serving in underserve area...
  4. C

    Anyone file PERM today?

    PWR for H1b and PERM Hi, I am a new beginner. I plan to apply H1b and then PERM soon. Is the system of the prevailing wage for H1b is same as PERM? If yes, that means I can save time on PERM process by using the PWR from H1b application? Thanks a lot for information. crcr