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  1. P

    DV-2014 Lottery High number or not? Please help.

    Pershendetje Numri madh apo numri vogel nuk ka shume rendesi, pasi personat mbushin format paraprake aty vendoset a ecet para apo nuk ecet ne aplikim. sepse shume njerez bejne gabime ne forma dhe ata i eliminojne direkt, nukmri yt eshte normal dhe po qe se format jane mbushur me korrektesi nuk...
  2. P

    Initial review ???

    Hi N400 sent 22nd January 11 was received on the 24th January same week i received a notice of action FP- taken on the 17th February its like three weeks now and haven't received anything, and the online system says initial review, how long before i receive the interview letter? Thanks