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  1. F

    economical situation in USA

    missed the mark of about 5 million there (20 million jobless is more accurate )and unemployment is for sure 11% at least , statistic is bit late with reality (as always ) you also have about 8%-9% of part time workers working less then 25 hours per week (3 working days ) because they can't...
  2. F

    About living in the U.S. after winning the lottery

    ok I cast my vote now,YOU ARE IDIOT - I have to agree with other members of this forum on that
  3. F

    About living in the U.S. after winning the lottery

    FAME ,MONEY ;;;the usual I guess maybe some reality TV show ,who knows ??
  4. F

    About living in the U.S. after winning the lottery

    my disappearance would not eliminate problems that this country have and problems that new immigrant are facing I talked about . from your reaction I know that you having it rough already but in your deranged brain you think I'm one to blame :cool:
  5. F

    About living in the U.S. after winning the lottery

    first of all I was on this forum since 2005 -used different ID back then ,my account was deleted as inactive (password is not working anymore??) about perils ?what kind of perils you talk about ?? I pointed on some things which are FACTS about this country but if you think about perils and...
  6. F

    About living in the U.S. after winning the lottery

    hm very original advice .. BTW ... I ALREADY LEFT ...
  7. F

    About living in the U.S. after winning the lottery

    ooooooooo now you getting ahead of yourself ..."anti American bias"? blinded me .... well I was merely quoting some statistics any kind of observation about your country gets you in danger to be labeled ANTI AMERICAN ...heheeheh Denmark can not be compared with USA since they have whole...
  8. F

    economical situation in USA

    not you .. that is not an issue ,its more of the problem of what other people think of you ,here people become more paranoid about anyone from Mid East that's the the problem you will need to deal with ;
  9. F

    economical situation in USA

    that's good .. with US company reference it might be much much easier find the job ..only other issue you might have is security clearance ..i Don't need to tell you that I guess ..that might cloud your new beginning ..
  10. F

    About living in the U.S. after winning the lottery

    more crime and social problems for a start and maybe even wide spread urban violence etc I think you referring only to 39 million people WHO ARE BELOW POVERTY LINE but there is another 40+ million people who are making barely little more then OFFICIAL POVERTY LINE (in some cases only couple...
  11. F

    About living in the U.S. after winning the lottery

    if you leave such number of people in that kind of situation you have BIG PROBLEM - i think I read somewhere that 80 million people in the USA live below poverty line or around it ,now THATS A LOT OF PEOPLE LEFT OUT ;;;what kind of the country is that ? if those numbers are true..? that kind of...
  12. F

    economical situation in USA

    US companies prefer engineers with US working experience or education .you might need to go back to school in order to get certified ,where did you study anyway ??? if you are from Europe maybe they would accept some credits from your UNI if not I think you would need to pass maybe all of them...
  13. F

    About living in the U.S. after winning the lottery

    but what about the people could not "get out " from bad part of any city in USA ???