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  1. S

    Passport Stamped at Boston INS

    No Title We brought our kids with us and his passport was also stamped with the same thing. But they did not ask anything from him e.g. photos, forms or signatures. In his approval notice it only states that his actual card will arrive with 120 days and he was not asked to go for passport...
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    Passport Stamped at Boston INS

    No Title My 485 was filed in Nov 1999. Comparing with some speed of VSC recently, my case took a little longer. But I only came to the country in late 1998, so I have no complain. My details: EB1; China; ND Dec/13/99, FP 03/19/01, RFE 05/07/01. Approved 05/29/01. Good luck to everyone.
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    Passport Stamped at Boston INS

    I just completed this last step of my greencard marathon. It\'s the easiest one. But let me describe what it is like in case some people want to know. We got to there from I-93N at around 10 o\'clock. Parked the car at the government center garage on Sudbury Rd (took a long time to find a...
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    Belated approval for YOYO

    No Title I\'m happy for you! Mine is also a 1999 case (EB1 & China) and we just got approved on Monday. You experienced more trouble than I did. I still remember the bitter feeling when I read your message about the unfair and expensive medical redo. Comparing with yours I felt lucky. It\'s...
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    What is the purpose for passport stamping?

    We just received our approvals yesterday and I suppose we should go to Boston to have our passports stamped. My 3 year-old son is not required to go. In his notice it only says "you will receive actual card within 120 days...". Then I start to wonder if it is necessary for us to have...
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    stamped exp. helped

    No Title HongQiu, The following is a post I saw earlier on this board. It sounds pretty straightforward. We\'ll go there next Monday.            Single Guy - 01:34pm Sep 7, 2000 EST...
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    Finally approved - ND 12-13-99 Shef

    No Title VKV, I drafted the letter and had it signed by our HR manager. Then I sent it to the lawyer who forwarded it to VSC with the original "Notice of Action" (RFE). The original employment letter included in 485 application was signed by my direct manager. I am not sure if I could...
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    Finally approved - ND 12-13-99 Shef

    My attorney\'s offcice just left a message on my answer machine to congratulate me that my I485 has been approved. This is a nice little surpise because I checked the AVM during the weekend, with a disappointment. This is quite a late approval comparing with some lucky folks out there, but I\'m...
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    The morons at VSC finally approved my case.... Dan Dan

    No Title I\'m happy for you. IN fact, I was thinking that you should get approved by now according to your RFE receiving date. So they are still doing work at VSC. It took a little longer for you and me, but the result is the same. I\'ll be hanging here until my case is approved and I\'ll...
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    Approved, ND 6/26/00 EB1 China

    No Title Congratulations! Are you in VSC or what? If so, it only shown how big the difference can be for each cases at VSC. My case is similar to yours (Eb1 & China) but my 485 was filed 7 months before yours. I received RFE only last week & now waiting for the final words. Take care!
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    Feel mistreated by INS? And don\'t trust your lawyer unless for good reasons

    No Title Indy, I like your way of handling things. Accident do happen but if the lawyers and IIOs are more helpful, thing would be solved much earlier on. If you have to pay for your lawyer, you have every right to give him hard time. He is not doing his job properly.
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    16 days after VSC received REF still waiting

    No Title My lawyer said that you have to give it a month or two before you got the final word. As long as they received your response, you can sit back calmly to wait. I\'m still to confirm that my response will be received. When did you send out your RFE response?
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    how long to get result after submitting REF

    No Title From the past postings, I think it takes them 7-10 days to just "receive" it and update the AVM. After that, it should be a month or two before we can get an approval or another RFE. My RFE response was just sent out two days ago (an renewed employment letter), I\'m...
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    how long to get result after submitting REF

    No Title Hopefully we\'d just get a straight approval after they received our responses. But I did see people getting second RFEed, presumably because the first response raised more question for the officer. But very rarely. Mine is a simple request for a renewed employment letter, so I can\'t...
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    IIOs just trying to scare callers (who irritate them)??

    No Title Let\'s be calm and kind guys. I think that Poorna Vijay was quite sincere in sharing an opinion and he was not speaking for INS. I have the same feeling as he does although I\'ve waited much longer than him. No one is happy about this whole process but there should be proper and...
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    My RFE is received: details from Shef Chang

    My lawyer just faxed me a copy of the RFE. It\'s a pretty "standard" one, asking for an employer\'s letter stating continued employment & salary. But my lawyer added that I should also send statements for the last two months. They didn\'t ask for W2, tax-return or anything like...
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    For those who felt left out - this is the pace of VSC

    No Title Dan Dan, what did the AVM say about your RFE? You mentioned two dates (4/2 & 4/9). For my case, the AVM said that "we mailed you a notice on 5/7...", does it mean that they may have NOT sent it out yet? I just try to figure out when I should call my lawyer instead of...
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    For those who felt left out - this is the pace of VSC

    While many are excited about the recent approvals of April and even May 2000 cases (ND), my Dec-99 case has just started to get their attention. I called the VSC last night and the message has changed to "On May 07, we mailed you a notice to request further evidence...". Now I...
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    Are we all thinking the same thing?

    No Title I felt good three months ago when I first saw Oct99 cases were approved. It would be my turn pretty soon, I thought... Anyway, I like Dandan\'s attitude. Soon or later we all going to get that piece of card. Then what? The life will go on. It\'s not going to change my life...
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    \'Why don\'t you leave this country?\'

    No Title It seems that most racists are miserable losers in their own life. How ironic that this pathetic guy actually come from an immigrant family by himself. I can only say that his immigrant parents did a poor job to bring up a son like that, who has to face criminal charge and ends up...