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  1. J

    USCIS sends a clearance after nearly 2 years

    -------------------------------------------------------------------------- a non immigrant can chnage his status inside the country by filing change of status request from which when approved will give u a new i-94 ..but for visa u have to go to consulate i.e ul be in h1 status but if u want...
  2. J

    221g Administrative processing tracker

    221(g) investigation of immigration records Hi I attnded for H visa in toronto and the consula officer said that she want to get my immigration rcords and she gonna sent my fingeprints to DHS and they will respond in 2 weeks and consulate will contact me back anybody had this exp how long...
  3. J

    Impact of name change on an existing H1B Visa & Petition

    you can do name change in usa and infom uscis regarding it get new passpot and then go for stamping after u get ur new i-94 . changing in india adds etra burden upon u to do the procedure contact a lawyer namechange outside the country tiggers suspesion and etra dministrative processing...
  4. J

    212(g) investigation of immigration records as Toronto consulate

    I attended H visa interview consulate took my 10 finger prints and said i have to wait till thery recive my immigration recods form DHS they said it taks about 2 weeks its been 2 weeks and i havent rcivd any mail yet. anybody has ny experice on how long it takes for consulate to get...