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    equivalent to for NSC Center?

    what is the equivalent to for NSC Center? case got transferred from CSC to NSC... what's the best way to find out the real status of the case (other than "this case is now pending at the office to which it was transferred") thanks Aldo
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    CSC I-485 Filing- May to Dec 2005 Tracking

    How did you send him the inquiry? I thought the old way sending an email to CSC XII 485 <> did not work any more? thanks
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    CSC I-485 Filing- May to Dec 2005 Tracking

    Can you explain your point #1 in details? thanks
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    CSC I-485 Filing- May to Dec 2005 Tracking

    ok but could you tell me where to send this inquiry? (And where to find details about it... is there an url?) thanks
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    CSC I-485 Filing- May to Dec 2005 Tracking

    How do you send a inquiry exactly? thanks