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  1. D

    Baltimore N-400 Timeline

    i recived the oath letter on october 7th. The oath date is October 16th at 9am. i am so happy!!!.. finally my journey is about to end. i am just worried about my 2 other sisters. i told you guys that one of my sister, her interview got cancelled bz they did not have her files. we made info...
  2. D

    Baltimore N-400 Timeline

    as everyone know about my case and my 3 other sister case. i want to give you update!! --one of my sister got her oath cermony done on September 18, and she is now US citizen.:) --i called today to find out what's going on with my file, well i found out that my case has been APPROVED last...
  3. D

    Baltimore N-400 Timeline

    well i just changed my adress and i found out that the missing file has been recived and my case has been approved and they will send me a oath letter. hopefully i will get it on my new adress. and thanx again cpzinga for replying my post.
  4. D

    Baltimore N-400 Timeline

    thank you for replying cpzinga, one more thing that i'm not sure, i have moved to new house. i put hold on my mails for 30 days. now they can't hold my mails anylonger. what should i do? should i change my adress or wait for a week or two to get my oath letter? if i change my adress will it...
  5. D

    Baltimore N-400 Timeline

    Here is my interview experience: my interview was on 10:20. me and my other 3 sisters arrived at 9:30am. when i gave my letter to the the window lady and sat down, she called me and told me that i have to go to the G-600 room. i went there and sat for half in hour and the officer called me...
  6. D

    Baltimore N-400 Timeline

    Tomorrow is my interview, and all my sister have it too. please wish me a good luck and prey for me that i will get my citizenship tomorrow. i am hoping i will get oath as well. i will post my interview experience soon. just prey for me.
  7. D

    Baltimore N-400 Timeline

    yayyyyy!!! i got my interview letter yesterday and my three other sisters got their letters too. we all have same day interview which is Auguest 3. Me and my other sister we have at 10:20am and my other two sister have 10:00am. I AM SO HAPPY!!!! but i don't know if we all gonna have oath the...
  8. D

    Baltimore N-400 Timeline

    well, On Friday i recived my recept letter. and i called vermont center 1-800 number and mentioned about why i don't have any priotey date and stuff. well she said that they just sent the fingerprint letter to me and my fingerprint date is feb 3 at 9:00 in baltimore. my two other sisters...
  9. D

    Baltimore N-400 Timeline

    i forgot to mention that my two other sisters applied their citizenship with me the same day. Today they got their receipt but on their reciept there is no "Notice Date" and no "recived date" and no "priority Date" it only shows the Application number and payment information. The letter is...
  10. D

    Baltimore N-400 Timeline

    Thank You rick92 and Vertigo... for showin me the timeline.
  11. D

    Baltimore N-400 Timeline

    Thank You, Rick92, yes my timeline is like that. but i don't know how to put it on my message, the way your timeline is showing. if you can tell me i would really appricate it.
  12. D

    Baltimore N-400 Timeline

    hellllllllllooooooooooooo everyonee!!!!!!!!!!! Hi, i'm new at this form but i was a silent reader. i really want everyone to guide me through my citzenship path. here is my lil info. i just applied my N-400 at vermont on December 31, 2008 based on least 5 years. my green card was...