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    Baltimore N-400 Timeline

    Thank you all. jihuzur, My Interview was at 9.40 a.m.
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    Baltimore N-400 Timeline

    My Interview Experience in Baltimore DO I had Citizenship interview in Baltimore DO yesterday. Overall every thing went very well. The officer quickly went thro' my application and asked quesitions randomly. In between I took the civic test, reading and writing test. No other documents was...
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    Baltimore N-400 Timeline

    My Time line is.. N-400: mailed : Dec 19 th, 2005 Priority Date : Dec 22nd , 2005 Notice of Action Rcvd: Jan 22nd 2006 FP letter received : Mar 13 th, 2006 FP taken : Mar 22nd , 2006 Interview : May 16, 10.00 a.m
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    Baltimore N-400 Timeline

    I got interview letter/ Baltimore DO I got interview letter from INS in Baltimore DO , May 16, 10.00 a.m
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    Baltimore N-400 Timeline

    kaynags, for Selective Sercice letter, I have applied for status certificate with neccesay eveidence that you are not required to register. ( like you were above 25 or you got your Green card after the age of 26 ..)I am waiting for the letter from SSA...
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    Baltimore N-400 Timeline

    you may get your Interview letter tomorrow in mail.
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    Finger Printing : Ink image versus electronic

    Thank you. Has anyone got finger printed in Ink for Citienzipship puposes...
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    Finger Printing : Ink image versus electronic

    Folks, Any has experience taking finger print using ink..? what is the difference between electronic versus ink version of FP.. Thanks
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    Baltimore N-400 Timeline

    I took my FP yesterday in Glenmont ASC in Maryland. They did not offer to take civic test. The entire process tookd only 15 minutes. They took my FP using an ink and pressed against a card. Is that the standard procedure..? kaynags..? did you take FP using ink.. N-400: mailed : Dec...
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    N-400 Mailed on 12/20/2005 , No Receipt -VSC

    Folks, I have mailed my N-400 along with my wife's N-400 on dec 20, 2005. My wife got a recieipt notice with PD 12/22/2005. Both of our Check's are cashed on 12/22/2005. But , I haven't received my Receipt notice till now. Yesterday, My wife for FP notice with appointment date 01/28 I...