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  1. I

    Guess What!!!

    Mughda Yes we got 2 RFEs. Both for birth certificate verification for me and my wife.
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    Guess What!!!

    Thanx! Thanx everyone for the best wishes. I'm taking a week vacation in 2 weeks. Nobody should have to got through this unnecessary pain. However, my optimism has paid-off! Your turn will come soon, so hang in there...... It's party time!:cool: ;) :p :) :D
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    Guess What!!!

    My and my wife's case has been APPPRROOVVEEDD!!! Still can't beleive it, but it's true. The long painfull journey is over finally. Following are my dates: RD = Sept. 10th, 2001 (yeah, that's true:p ) ND = Oct 9th, 2001, Hang in there (I know it's a cliche) your turn will come soon. I...
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    Got approved today ( ND - 14 Jan 02 )

    Congrats! Congratulations and relax (in Hawaii..?) as much as you can:p
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    Its not all that bad ...

    Well, I'm always try to be optimistic...:p But there's a limit for how long I can be patient. Guys, my patience is slowly running out....:mad: and can't stay :cool: cool for a long time...
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    Patel Motel

    Oh sure! Rip off is a part of a business? I think not! May be a regular business practice in India. As far as coming here and running a motel business is concerned, it is just another business and just like in any business one should comply to the laws, traditions and practices of that...
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    Patel Motel

    Also had bad (dhoti lungi) experience at an indian run motel. The place was a dump but I had no choice since I couldn't drive anymore in a snow storm. On top of it, the guy who opened the door in lungi wasn't friendly at all. I felt that he's doing me a favour by giving me a room double the...
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    Suspect my case file is lost

    Contact BCIS thru senator's office You need to contact BCIS through your local senator's office. I always get the current status of my case through senator's office.:o
  9. I

    HeyBCIS: The most valuable natural resource in the 21st century is brains.

    America, a democratic nation??? Says who??? A topic for different discussion....:p
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    Corporate America Knows it...

    Agreed... Yup, I know many friends who went back to India and making good money.....that's helping the workload for BCIS...:p :p
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    Chikki's case approved

    Congrats! Enjoy while you can. No more slave....:o
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    *** Praise God **** Approved ****

    Congrats! Congrats dude! Take another week off and enjoy....:p
  13. I

    Any Sept 2001 filers left?

    me too RD Sept 10, 2001 ND Oct 9, 2001 Waiting and well as losing out on great career advancement apportunities...:mad:
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    Update from the Senator's office...

    Senator's contact info I called up the senator's office and talked to the receptionist (I think) and told her about my request. She knew the process before hand since many people have contacted her for the same reason. She asked me to send her the copies of our 485 reciepts and a letter...
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    Update from the Senator's office...

    Contacted Senator Dayton I contacted senator Mark Dayton from Minnesota. No, I didn't use AC21... What else they need to check? It's sad that a land of the immigrants has the worst immigration department...:( Oh well...:o
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    Update from the Senator's office...

    I had contacted the senator earlier last month and requested that they check with BCIS regarding the status of my case. Senator's office contacted the BCIS and got the following info back from BCIS: - The name check and all other security checks have been completed on my and my wife's...
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    Approved after 2nd FP

    Congrats! Set yourself free....:p
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    Promotion during I-485

    my 2 cents... What if you talk to the HR and ask them to NOT change the job title but put you in a higher grade level and increase the salary! Once you get the GC then you can ask HR to change the job title... I'm also in the same boat and my promotion is also around the corner. I won't get...
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    Question about a recent approval

    harrapatta Thanx for your input... I appreciate it. I really hope that I will avoid this 'local transfer' step all together....I want this looooong wait over soon and hopefully it is well worth it...:o
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    Question about a recent approval

    harapatta A question for you... I filed 485 for my wife 5 months after we got married, so I should expect my case be transfered to a local office? Why? What docs we need? Here are my dates: Mine: RD Sept 2001 ND Oct 2001 Wife: RD June 2002 ND July 2002 Thanx for your help...