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  1. K

    Approval Notice - ND 8/23 Approved

    No Title hopebest, Congrats for your approval . But have a little patience . you should be thankful to god that your case got approved in less than a year. It has not even been a week since you got your approval and on top there was a public holiday on july 4. You should look at people whose...
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    RD or ND

    No Title Don\'t know about other centers but VSC does it by Lucky DIP every morning. that is why they approve 8/99 & 8/00 cases at the same time . All the dates between these have to wait for the luck draw next day .
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    EB2 RIR, ND 4/3/00, RD 3/30/00, FP 10/00, No RFE. Waiting....

    No Title This is nothing but a lucky dip sort of processing . You don\'t know when you will be lucky enough to have your application pulled out and be declared winner. the Reward is ofcourse GC .
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    EB2 RIR, ND 4/3/00, RD 3/30/00, FP 10/00, No RFE. Waiting....

    No Title EB2 regular RD 04/06/2000 FP : 10/23/00 No RFE still waiting. Case with officer since last 45 days. Called last week. Same answer 2-4 wks. Asaked my lawyer to call and he called too. Said most likely we sohuld hear something in 2 wks. Getting frustrated ..
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    talked to IIO today at 9:35

    Just talked to IIO about my case. My RD 4/2000/ EB-2 IIO : Good morning . This is carey. May i help you. ME: I would like to check status ... IIO: VSC is very backlogged and it will take from 30-45 days more. Me :do you see any inquiry coming ? IIO: not at this time. ME: I have seen july...
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    Details of Intent to Deny of Notice.

    No Title Hi prince , All these items are non issues and are easily resolvable. I think your passport copies or pages might not have been clear enough to check your status correctly or your lawyer might have goofed /mixed/ missed passport pages. But your lawyer will never admit this. But...
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    Anyone with Jan thru april 2000 RD still waiting ??

    My RD is 04/06/00 and still waiting. FP : 10/23/00. No news yet
  8. K

    Intent to Deny !! How much time to appeal ?

    No Title Have you gone thru the copy of your papers filed with ins thorughly. Did you find some discrepancy in the papers filed. Were you or your spouse ever out of status ?? I would suggest you thoroughly scrutinize your papers again and try to find out possible reasons. Also check you FP...
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    Intent to Deny !! How much time to appeal ?

    No Title Prince, Also, did you ask your lawyer to call INS and dig out more info about your case and possible cause of intent of denail. He might be able to talk to the actaull IIO who reviewed your case and try to even rectify the problem before they issue the letter. Even though it might be...
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    Intent to Deny !! How much time to appeal ?

    No Title did they issue intent to deny notice for all of your family (means spouse and kids). You might want to check your spouse and kids case too . please post .
  11. K

    Intent to Deny !! How much time to appeal ?

    No Title prince, Did you ever get a FP notice ?
  12. K

    I-485 approval delayed due to screw up by INS in I-140

    kanderi, how did you find this out Did you check your I-140 papers only or did the IIO also confirmed this to you. does IIO have this info that I-140 papers have ben requested for and not yet available ?? I mean , how did you cross confirm this with INS .