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  1. Essey

    DV 2015 Oceania winners

    So Medibank just called me back to confirm my appointment, I spoke with a really nice lady called Emma who apologised for not getting back to me sooner and confirmed what you said about the fact that they have just started doing these and were a little understaffed! Sounds like you just got a...
  2. Essey

    DV 2015 Oceania winners

    Sorry to hear you didn't get your 2NL yet - I know how you feel but hang in there and just remember that you are current and will definitely get an interview!
  3. Essey

    DV 2015 Oceania winners

    Well I've booked my flight to Sydney, hotel room at Travelodge ($125 for one night, not too bad) and medical appointment. There were two medical centres in Melbourne so I went for Medibank Health Solutions, which is closer and they just booked me in without even asking if I had a 2NL or...
  4. Essey

    DV 2015 Oceania winners

    Yep, the first 7 years is CGT free here for investment properties. I think I misunderstood your first post when you said that CGT on main home will be reduced or eliminated, because my thought was that something that doesn't exist can't be eliminated or reduced in the first place. Anyway...
  5. Essey

    DV 2015 Oceania winners

    I'm no tax expert, but how does turning your principal place of residence into an investment property help you avoid Capital Gains Tax? As I understood it, in Australia, you only pay CGT on investment properties (after the first 7 years as an investment) and PPRs are not subject to CGT.
  6. Essey

    DV 2015 Oceania winners

    Aaaaand my 2NL came through overnight too. 10:30am on 23 December in Sydney. Time to get cracking!
  7. Essey

    DV 2015 Oceania winners

    Thanks! It's a relief to finally get a date and I hope you're right about Christmas week! I am wondering whether this will hold up the return of my passport - I read on Crawf's blog that he got his back the Friday of the same week as his Tuesday interview, but because the following week is...
  8. Essey

    DV 2015 Oceania winners

    OK so I just called KCC and.... I finally have an interview date! 23 December 2014, two days before Christmas so fingers crossed for an early Christmas present. Was kinda hoping for earlier in the month, but I am not complaining! They said I should get an email in the next 2 weeks and I would...
  9. Essey

    DV 2015 Oceania winners

    Here, I found it and am reposting again as it seems to keep coming up: Best solution - get the answer from the horses mouth ... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...
  10. Essey

    DV 2015 Oceania winners

    The Victorian one is the Federal one that you get online. You shouldn't need to go into the police station. There was a post about this ages ago on this thread, maybe have a search for it because it had the requirements for each state.
  11. Essey

    DV 2015 Oceania winners

    That's great!! I will call too - I called last week and they didn't have info yet so good to know they have started scheduling! Kiwione, when did you submit your DS260 by the way? Are you interviewing in Auckland?
  12. Essey

    DV 2015 Oceania winners

    I already did and no dice. :( I have to keep reminding myself that I WILL actually be getting an interview at some point because sometimes it feels like it's not going to happen at all!
  13. Essey

    DV 2015 Oceania winners

    Wonderful news! Thanks for the tip regarding document order etc. Does anyone know if 2NLs for December have started to be issued yet? KCC told me this week but, you know...
  14. Essey

    DV 2015 Oceania winners

    While we are on the topic of documents, did you guys bother getting your copies certified, even when you had the originals?
  15. Essey

    DV 2015 Oceania winners

    How much did the blood test cost out of interest?
  16. Essey

    DV 2015 Oceania winners

    I got mine in September in anticipation of a November interview (now December). I'm wondering whether I should get another one when I get my 2NL but surely 3 months will still be ok? What are people's thoughts, should I get a new one?
  17. Essey

    DV 2015 Oceania winners

    I don't think so either. I recall someone last round with a double digit number current for October didn't get a 2NL until the same time or after some of the people who only went current in November. But without knowing when everyone submitted their DS260 it's hard to know for sure.
  18. Essey

    DV 2015 Oceania winners

    I just called KCC (thanks @Britsimon for the press zero shortcut) as I hadn't received an interview date even though I went current for November. The lady I spoke to told me that my DS260 had only just been processed which is why I haven't received an interview notification yet and she said...
  19. Essey

    DV 2015 Oceania winners

    Wow they're full steam ahead this year! It seems like such a change from last year's pitiful increases. Hopefully it continues.
  20. Essey

    DV 2015 Oceania winners

    Looks like you will just have to wait and see with a number like that for this year. My suggestion is you re-enter the 2016 lottery whilst it is currently open in case you end up in the position I was in last year with a very high CN which missed out on selection. Luckily I'd re-entered and got...