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  1. Essey

    DV 2015 Oceania winners

    Yeah I known all about craigslist, their best of section is hilarious! I'm was pretty much looking for a very specific thing, not just the usual online shopping sites like Amazon the sites but the ones that have limited time deals on new things, but not the coupon sites either. I found exactly...
  2. Essey

    DV 2015 Oceania winners

    Here's a random and slightly off-topic question to those already living in the US: Do any of you know any websites which do daily deals for homewares, appliances, clothing etc. Like OzSale and Temple and Webster in Australia. I don't mean the ones which give you coupons or restaurant deals, just...
  3. Essey

    DV 2015 Oceania winners

    Do you have bank statements for that period? If so, you might be able to tell your dates of employment based on when wages were paid in.
  4. Essey

    DV 2015 Oceania winners

    Deb, I think it might depend a little bit on who you get as a doctor, but mine was saying that if you don't have any records of vaccinations, then you will probably have to get vaccinations on the day. I had about 80% of my records, so that was enough for him to basically 'fill in the gaps' and...
  5. Essey

    DV 2015 Oceania winners

    Yep, I just picked my medical and my X-ray was on DVD. I didn't do serology either but I was lucky, I didn't need any boosters or additional vaccines the Dr just signed off on the basis of my childhood and other vaccinations. Guess it depends who you get. Looks like cost of the medical is...
  6. Essey

    DV 2015 Oceania winners

    Yep, it's definitely a good idea to have another chance up your sleeve - take it from someone for whom it made all the difference! And to think I almost didn't bother to re-enter...
  7. Essey

    DV 2015 Oceania winners

    Yikes, were they rebuilding you a whole new set of teeth from scratch?? I can't even imagine what sort of dental work requires that much time/money! Better remember to floss tonight...:p
  8. Essey

    DV 2015 Oceania winners

    TBH, I wouldn't be saying 'here pussy' here (Australia) either! Agree the 'period' thing is weird. I argue with my American partner all the time about the 'correct' word for things though, the list is endless. It's amazing how many words we have use which are different to the US. I have found...
  9. Essey

    DV 2015 Oceania winners

    @ozimattskey, @CC1 and @ECM - were you all qualified on education and did you bother bringing tertiary qualifications to your interview (if applicable)?
  10. Essey

    DV 2015 Oceania winners

    I was wondering about this, whether to bother bringing my degrees or not as well, even though I have my VCE Certificate and results. So basically would you say don't bother with the tertiary education documents if you've met the normal education requirements?
  11. Essey

    DV 2015 Oceania winners

    Just finished my medical and it all went smoothly although it took a good 2-2 1/2 hours all up. For Emily, who has requested a report back, here's how it went: - Had to fill out some forms when you first arrive, then you get taken to a separate waiting room - First I saw the nurse who took my...
  12. Essey

    DV 2015 Oceania winners

    Thanks! I will report back for sure! I chose Medibank for the same reason - close to work. It's funny though, because when I booked, they didn't ask me for my case number or if I'd gone current or anything. Not that there's any advantage to having the medical earlier due to the 6 month expiry...
  13. Essey

    DV 2015 Oceania winners

    It depends on where you get your medical. Some countries/places will send your medical results directly to the consulate and others you have to bring yourself. For example, I'm having my medical done today in Melbourne and they have told me that I will have to come back and pick up the documents...
  14. Essey

    DV 2015 Oceania winners

    Thanks for that! Now I'm really confused! I submitted mine 24 May. KCC will never cease to do my head in grrrr.
  15. Essey

    DV 2015 Oceania winners

    That's a great date! I have to wait until 23 December. Makes me wonder how they allocate these dates given I was current in November but still ended up with an interview after you (looks like I just scraped into December). Do you remember what date exactly you submitted your DS260 in May?
  16. Essey

    DV 2015 Oceania winners

    Great idea! I can't wait for that to be me.
  17. Essey

    DV 2015 Oceania winners

    CONGRATS!!! Very happy to hear it all went well.
  18. Essey

    DV 2015 Oceania winners

    Well I just got an email from Medibank confirming my appointment and she sent me the fees which say $447, so I think she made a mistake quoting $520 the other day! It doesn't provide that much info other than this: "You must bring a passport size photo, a valid passport, and if you have a copy...
  19. Essey

    DV 2015 Oceania winners

    It had the subject line as "U.S. DoS - CEAC Confirmation (Your Case Number Here)" and it was from email address, if that helps.
  20. Essey

    DV 2015 Oceania winners

    I think that the website price doesn't include the X-ray, whereas the $520 price was inclusive. I did have chickenpox as a kid, but I honestly couldn't be bothered with going to my other doc and getting another blood test etc, as my doc doesn't bulk bill it'd probably end up costing me the same...