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  1. S

    FP 11/2004 still waiting...

    I live in Austin. Does anyone know which congressman should I contact? My lawyer told me to inquery by calling the 800 number, which I did in Jan, 2005. And got a response from TSC saying case still pending, blah, blah, blah...
  2. S

    FP 11/2004 still waiting...

    I am EB3 from China.
  3. S

    FP 11/2004 still waiting...

    Someone in the same shoes? 485 - ND : 2002 Sept.
  4. S

    No approvals

    I say we force ourselves to stay away from this forum for at least a couple of weeks and come back with whatever information we gather during this period of time. Maybe it will make us feel less frustrated.
  5. S

    How TSC works

    Good infomation. Now we know the data, the work flow etc., I for one become more frustrated. I am a little worried about the word "stack", do you mean queue? Secondly, how many stacks are there for one category such as "485 received"?
  6. S

    what can you do about it ...

    I guess the same defect is still not fixed. The second half of 2002 filers are left off. 2003 filers are jumping ahead.
  7. S

    Everyone is kinda missing the point

    What is the real reason behind this slowness of 485. TSC has been throwing smoke bombs at us for quite a while, dodging the bullets, and unwilling to say it out loud "we don't want you, we want your money, pay me and get the hell out of my country!". We ( actually I ) want to hear something...
  8. S

    I-485 Now 990 to 999 Days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Apparently, TSC AVM and the BICS website has flaws. They can only take at most 3 digits for their processing time, similar to y2k problem. 990-999 days. 9 days interval. make you laugh... hahaha
  9. S

    How many total 485 approvals since 11/02?

    I totally agree with sg94ahpw. This is out of our hands. No petition, no demonstration can do anything. Be glad that we are not those Chinamen in the late 19'th early 20'th century who spent months on Angle Island near San Francisco, enduring intensive interegations before they can enter US. If...