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  1. B

    Begin SSL Entry on DV2010?

    Thank you Rom@n!!;) I'll do it on the standard!!:D
  2. B

    Begin SSL Entry on DV2010?

    Thank you for your reply, Rom@n!!:) I can open the standard entry with no problem, but I prefer SSL entry. I've tried it on another PC and got same results. Will you tell me about that? Are the SSL entry pages shown on your PC? If it is yes, I need to fix something on my PC!!:(
  3. B

    Begin SSL Entry on DV2010?

    Hello, I’ve tried the entry via Begin SSL Entry, but the link does not work so far.:( Both IE7.0 and Firefox browsers do not show that page. Have you somebody gotten the page?:confused: I’ve also reported this problem via Feedback link on DV2010 entry page. Thanks:)