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  1. P

    Standard disclaimer

    Some people are asking very important questions on this board: what to do after layoff, decide to change jobs or not, when to get married, if it is safe to travel internationally. Every time I read one such question I am wondering if people will actually act on information furnished on an...
  2. P

    < 180 Days and a very good offer from another company

    No Title Sviv, part of this process is called engineering:  - come up with a list of possible issues/outcomes  - assign them a metric (in this case $$ and risk)  - take a decision based on it That\'s for the brain part and it has important limitations when dealing with...
  3. P

    < 180 Days and a very good offer from another company

    No Title Henry, I am glad we are thinking alike on this topic. Note that there are 2 somehow unrelated issues: professionalism in your relations with the employer and the immigration/abuse related issues. I have seen American citizens leaving the job on a one day notice and their...
  4. P

    < 180 Days and a very good offer from another company

    No Title We do not know all the details of your particular situation. Also YOU will have to live with your own decisions so think things over and over again. Of course, as a last resort you can always blaim the failures in your life on uninspired advices in anonymous internet boards. I wrote...
  5. P

    Can INS revoke I-485 if its approved without change of employement letter?

    No Title Talk to your respective lawyers. If you end up having an interview at the local office somebody will have to explain to the INS why you chose one way or the other. This matter is too important for you to rely on unreliable information from public internet boards. Also securing...
  6. P

    Ciba, please updata my status, case transferred to LA for interview.

    No Title Unlucky one, This is truly great news!!! Glad to hear that the tide is turning. I have not managed to put all my file together yet so you should have enough time until December :-)
  7. P

    Ciba, please updata my status, case transferred to LA for interview.

    No Title Weiqi, Sorry to hear about the transfer. I\'ve heard of other people getting RFE before or after the interview. I am scheduled for the interview myself at the end of November and I am hoping to be done - one way or the other. But you never know ... GC is not everything. Focus on...
  8. P

    How many years of W2/tax returns does INS asks in RFE?

    No Title 3 years you can get the documents from the IRS if you lost them. Depending on what you ask for there is a nominal fee. Good luck!
  9. P

    a peculiar 485 question...

    No Title According to my understanding of AC-21 the second I485 is not needed. After 180 days of INS processing you are not dependent on the initial job, just on any job in the same category. Am I missing something?
  10. P

    Interview times for San Francisco INS Office?

    No Title A couple of weeks, up to one month. I wasn\'t looking forward to receive the notice so I do not really remember.
  11. P

    Interview times for San Francisco INS Office?

    No Title Paul, Given the circumstances, I am glad to see that you found some other people in the same situation. 3 people from SJ got interview notices recently after a 2-3 of months, 5 months and 6 months of waiting respectively. We are all schedules in a 2 week interval starting at the end...
  12. P

    TO: SJ Interview Club

    No Title Congrats! You are the petitioner of your wife. Her employment situation is irrelevant, in my opinion. Check with your lawyer (since my opinion is irrelevant in your case). Good luck and keep us posted!
  13. P

    TO: SJ Interview Club

    No Title Forgot to mention that I also got the same request. We will provide an employment letter since we have it and we want to be on the safe side, but from my understanding of the immigration procedure this should not be necessary.
  14. P

    Finally MY GC Approved after an Interview in Sacramento.

    No Title Yeah, I liked the JPEG - I\'d try to print a copy on my passport but the page format is not the same ;-) Just kidding. Take care!
  15. P

    Finally MY GC Approved after an Interview in Sacramento.

    No Title Cool :-) Thanks this has been very useful. Good luck in your new life!
  16. P

    Finally MY GC Approved after an Interview in Sacramento.

    No Title Please post details about the interview (brief list of documents, reason if known, list of question). Thanks a lot!
  17. P

    Finally MY GC Approved after an Interview in Sacramento.

    No Title Pavana, Congrats on your approval! Could you post some details .... (trying to keep this thread on the top of the Q) Good luck in your new life!
  18. P

    hope u guys like this Immigration experience- very witty

    No Title Pretty interesting :-) Of course it is not over after the I485 approval. It is just another beginning ... Good luck!
  19. P


    No Title Hi guys, Sorry for the delays. Everything is happening at once so the local interview notices correlated with some other events. As per Ciba\'s reply, the CSC AVM status changed once the transfer was decided. In my case the AVM change preceeded the transfer notice received by the...
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    No Title 1) the lawyer gets informed both after case transfer and interview schedule. I got only the interview notice. 2) AVM changes after case is transferred. In my case it is still the same message as after the transfer (has not changed in 5 months) 3) I did not send any papers to the...