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    Form I-94 at POE

    alemitmee, I appreciate your detailed explanation why I do not worry about I-94 filled in and handed in to the officer. Your answer is very clear to me. Thanks a lot. I am so glad to know that someone here like you really listens to me and understands my situation. This Forum is really...
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    Form I-94 at POE

    Correction: "I even think about the I-94 Form that I sumitted? " should read "I even don't think about ..."
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    Form I-94 at POE

    To Gerindo, first of all, congratulations on your having received the KCC's winning letter! I'm sure that you'll have a green card soon, as I long as I see your number in EU. Anyway, thanks for your detailed instruction about I-94. I now can see very clearly what I-94 is about. It is, as you...
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    Form I-94 at POE

    Would it be necessary for me to contact Homeland Security or USCIS to cancel my I-94 that I gave to the immigration officer at the port of entry? Is this a big problem when I re-enter the US? Please help me find out about this?
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    Form I-94 at POE

    nscagony and Gerindo, Thanks for your kind reply to my question. The answers are clear to me. So, I ignore the form I submitted to the immigration officer at the US airport when I entered in the US? I think so.
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    Form I-94 at POE

    Does anyone think that I'll have any problem when I re-enter the US without I-94? I filled out and submitted I-94 Form to the immigration officer when I entered the US for the first time, but the officer did not return the Form. She got my fingerprint and put a temporary green card stamp on my...
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    DV winners, please read this first ! General Info

    Would someone help me in getting to know I-131 Form? Lucklily, I have received the immigrant visa (DV2008) through CP procesures in April, Tokyo, Japan. Though my visa will be expired in early October, I may not be able to go to the US as my father's illness (cancer) was found last week. He...
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    Can i download the DS230 Part 1&2, and DSP-122 form to submit to KCC?

    If I were you, i would not use liquid to wipe a mistakes in the document. For the document I will submit to the KCC is now official and say to them that everying I wrote is true. If I were you, I would consult the lawyer to correct this kind of mistake. You may want to make everything sure...
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    DV 2008 CP Interview Experiences

    Hi, I am from Asia, AS 79XX and finished my interview (CP) in April. I hope to contribute something here for someone who is waiting for her/his interview (CP). It was very easy for me. Only one question was asked: "where did you learn English?" That's all, and the officer said that I would...
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    What to do when I found a mistake on my application form sent to KCC

    Tazmania and gr8ideaman, As you suggested, I'll contact KCC by e-mail telling that I have discovered the errors in my application materials and asking what I should do to correct the errors. I'll wait for their reply, then I'll take a necessary action. So, it is okay to e-mail to KCC about...
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    What to do when I found a mistake on my application form sent to KCC

    gr8ideaman, I really appreciate your attention to my case. Would you tell me if I can download forms (DS-230 I&II and DSP 122) from US gov/immgir. site and fill them out with the correct information? Would it possible that I send KCC only the correct information that was written in the...
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    What to do when I found a mistake on my application form sent to KCC

    Sorry, it should be read "...whether I need to send all forms..."
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    What to do when I found a mistake on my application form sent to KCC

    Tazmania, Your comment is very helpful! I was wondering whether I need to sell all forms to KCC, including the revised page. So, I'll prepare an e-mail request for correction. I just wanted to make me sure if it is not against a rule to ask KCC to update my application. Thanks!
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    What to do when I found a mistake on my application form sent to KCC

    Tazmania and gr8ideaman, Thank you for your kind information. I fell much better after reading your comments. I'll contact KCC as you suggested. Thanks again.
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    What to do when I found a mistake on my application form sent to KCC

    I am a winner of DV-2008 from Japan and will do CP. Would you please tell me if I can contact KCC to tell that I made a mistake of typing the date of studying in the US, e.g. 12-1998 as 04-1998, on the application forms I submitted to KCC already and correct it? Someone told me that KCC might...
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    Filling out the forms - please help!

    Hi, Would you help me see if I can correct my typographic error by e-mail on the form submitted to KCC? Also, is it OK for me to re-submit KCC the additional informaiton regarding DS-230 Part I #25? I would appreciate your comments.