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  1. L

    Approvals and JIT

    No Title I never trusted JIT because there are so many categories of 485. How can they be consolidated into a single date? The retrogression of JIT-485 date has another meaning -- don\'t bother CSC. The 485 waiters with ND earlier than the JIT-485 date have the genuine right to enquire...
  2. L

    FP issued by A# ???

    I think it\'s a false message. Do you know how many people will have A# starting with 75? One million!
  3. L

    Quick Question! Regarding After FP!

    No Title Two to twelve weeks most likely. No guarantee!
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    FP notices twice..Please help

    No Title If you get 2nd FP notice couple months later, it usually means there is something wrong in your 1st FP. Just redo it anyway.
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    FP notice received, but

    No Title Nobody exactly know the flow of 485 process in CSC. As regarding to FP, earlier finish might (not) help speeding up the process. Anyway it is harmless -- unless your case takes longer than one year after FP.
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    FP notice received, but

    No Title In most cases, the ASC will allow people to take FP ahead of the scheduled date if there are not so many people waiting in line. Even though sometimes you might be refused. You can always try it at another day. It doesn\'t hurt anything. The ASC doesn\'t allow people to take FP...
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    FP notice received, but

    No Title You lawyer will receive a "courtesy copy" of FP notice. Please check him/her. If the date of courtesy copy is 7/31, you can use it to take your FP.
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    Ciba, please advice

    No Title Same thing happened before. INS simply doesn\'t follow the first-in first-out principle. You should get your FP notice in the new batch.
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    Helper007, did both you and Lawyer get FP notices?

    No Title It\'s the formal name of Green Card.
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    Look out, New FP Batch

    No Title Heavy rain is really coming, Cheer!!
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    Look out, New FP Batch

    No Title If the scale of new FP batch is the same as that of last one, most (I would like to say "all") people filed 485 in April and May will get their notices. But INS doesn\'t handle cases orderly so that there are always some exceptions. Just close our fingers tightly.
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    Look out, New FP Batch

    No Title Applicant Service Center. In most cases, FP is taken in ASC instead of an INS office. The FP notice will specify the location where you should go.
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    Look out, New FP Batch

    No Title The last FP batch started at mid-January and lasted for 2+ months. Most people with ND from 10/2000 to mid-3/2001 (covering 5 and half months) received their FP notices in that period. Then there has been no FP notice for 3 months. CSC usually mails out FP notices just roughly...
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    Look out, New FP Batch

    After a long drought, we just see helper007 received his FP notice. According to past experiences, it may portend the start of a FP notice batch. For those who get FP notice at the beginning of a batch, the lead time between the mailed and the scheduled dates is usually very short. All the...
  15. L

    Question on FP.

    No Title Yes, you can re-schedule and it will very likely delay your 485 approval.
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    Can I travel with AP only, no EAD???

    No Title Does it need to be H-1 "VISA" or only H-1 approval notice is good enough?
  17. L

    When are the people with ND:3/01 going to get FP notice?

    No Title What are ASCs doing these days w/o new FP notices? Summer vacation? Because the ASCs are sub-contractors of INS, we might ask them to push INS: give us business!!
  18. L

    FP notice sent by computer?

    No Title According to my memory, the last FP notice batch started around Jan 20th and lasted for 2+ months. Before that, there was a drought (no FP notice) for about 2 months. Most people with ND:10/2000~02/2001 got their FP notices in that batch. If the past experience will repeat itself...
  19. L

    Adding my wife name on I-485....... (V.V.V.V.V.V.Urgent please....)

    No Title Consult a good immigration lawyer if it is really urgent. Don\'t spare your money on this matter. Only very few people had this kind of experience. The opinions posted on websites are for your reference only. You cannot solely count on them.
  20. L

    FP FBI cleared same day = reject ?? approved people pl comment

    No Title My FP was at first done on Jan. 24 and FBI told me the quality was bad. My 2nd FP was done on Feb. 1st and FBI said "cleared and sent back to INS on the same day". My 485 got approved Feb. 21. Yes, the policy of INS/FBI may change any time, so the old experience may be...