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worried about security clearnce :( please help me


Registered Users (C)
i am new to the forum :), i have a lot of question:rolleyes:
1. i was kind of late in sending my file to KCC ,i didn't send it till july 2008 does this affect my case:(
2. (my number will be current in july(its of the first ones of july) so will my interview be in july or it may be in august or september :rolleyes:
3. my country is in the middleeast:mad: and i believe i should go through security clearnce which i heard took between month to six months:mad: and i am very worried that even if i passed the interview i will not make it by 30 of september , is there anything that i can do like changing my interview place to europe or anything else:cool:
4.can i start the security clearnce process from now:confused:
1. does not effect your case
2. if your number is current in july your interview is also in july
3. you have to do the interview in your hom country
4. no
even if you managed to get your interview done somewhere in Europe (no chances, unless you live there), the security check is tied to a person, not to the place of the interview.
even if you managed to get your interview done somewhere in Europe (no chances, unless you live there), the security check is tied to a person, not to the place of the interview.

do u have any idea about the min-max time for the security check ? i have been to usa about 4 times so didn't they check me before :rolleyes:
i mean i have about 3 visas in my passport to usa each one was for 2 years and multiple visit
aren't the security checks in normal visas the same as this:eek: