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Won Diversity visa program 2013 but really need help to decide!!!!


Registered Users (C)
Hello, everyone

I recently won Diversity visa program 2013 ,aka Green Card Lottery. Since I am currently in the US and my case number is not too high (2013AS00008xxx), I am thinking about doing adjustment of status. But I have a few things that I concern.

I am a F-1 student. I graduated from Strayer University, Master degree in Educational management in 2011. When I apply for OPT in Dec 2011, I asked them if I have to repeat the class that I got C and they said no, I only had the research paper to finish and I would be done, so I went ahead and apply for OPT.

In January 2011, My OPT got approved. I got the working authorization card saying that I can legally work from 02/07/2011 to 02/06/2012, so I went back to school to trying to get my Diploma.
Then, I couldn't get my diploma because, they said I had to retake the class that they said before that I don't need to retake. Unfortunately, I had to retake that class. They also told me that during that time, I could not work full time. I can only work maximum of 20 hours a week unti I'm done with the last class. I had been working at Construction company with no pay since (I did reported to them). In September 2011, I got baby sitting job and still work at the construction company at the same time. I got paid from baby sitting job and even file for taxes. Now my OPT is done, I had transfered to Evergreen Academy, which is an English as a second school. I was hoping to study there,then take the toefl, working on all the qualifications and apply to PhD program. On May 2012. I found out that I won the green card lottery,so the PhD program now is on hold. I just want to get my green card first and then I can try to apply later.

So Here are the questions

- Should I still do Adjustment of status here in the US?
- Is it safer to go back home and have and interview there?
- As long as I have my valid I-20, I am still in status right? I really concern because as you can see I have a lot of confusion during my OPT year.
- Since I won The green card lottery, What form do I used for my sponsor and who can be my sponsor?

If I you could help me with these Questions, so I could decide what to do next since I need to send DSP-122 to tell them where I would like to be interviewed very soon.

Thank you in advance
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As long as you have a valid I-20 that runs though at least the day you send your I-485 (AOS package), then you're fine to do AOS in the US.

Thank you Amine. I decided to do AOS. I already sent the form DSP122 + 2 photos+ barcode. And 330 fee. :eek: