When can I change my job?


Registered Users (C)
I am located in india nowadays, expecting to have my CP interview from Chennai in around Feb. I am getting indications that my company (HQ in NJ and branch here) might need to downsize. If I happen to be on the chopping block before the interview, is my GC a gone-case?

If I manage to stay on till the interview and get the GC (God willing), when can I leave the company? I mean, do I HAVE TO enter the USA while an Employee of this company to secure my GC? What if I am fired or have to resign after the interview but before reaching the USA?
u wont get the GC stamp till u enter the US.they will stamp ur passport only at the

POE. consulate will only issue temp visa to enter US after ur IV approval.so ur GC processing is not complete till u enter US and report to the Job mentioned for one day atleast.then u can change jobs.
Any company check at POE

Q1. Will they do any company check at POE, what if company may file for Chapter 7 and winding up in Feb? Our cmpany is now in Chapter 11 and going to Chpter 7 soon, have interview on Dec 18th. Will there be any problems at POE if I have successfully completed CP interview?

Q2. Also will they do any check at the consulate for company status? I have Notarized offer letter. I have till now may lose before interview also. Requested for keeping me in Payroll till dec 25th (not sure whether they will consider)

As long as you are not fired and have your latest paystubs and employment letter, you should successfully complete CP. Immediately thereafter you should enter USA to get passport stamped - you will become PR without commiting any fraud. If you, however, stay in India after CP and get fired and notified about it, you\'ll have lie at the POE about the employer you are going to join. This is fraud, and may hunt you down later, when you apply for citizenship.
Just the Principal Applicant or the whole family?

Thanks Yooper and the rest for the info.

But does the whole family have to enter the US and get their passport stamped? Can the principal applicant do that first, and if the unavoidable happens and a change of job is needed, can the family join him later?

Will this entail too much of paper-work/explanation (or worse, bigger problems)?