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What is the last date to get approved?? sep 30 or before


New Member
I won the DV2006 and had my interview back in February 2006. the problem that I had to provide police clearances from 2 countries for me and 3 countries for my wife.
I just got the 2 certificates so i have all documents that were missing as far as they told me. However, my wife still misses one of the police certificates. (she was at that country for 3 years from age 16 to 19).
Should i submit all documents that i have with passports (as instructed by embassy) even though my wife still miss the one doc. Is there any chance they will grant it for both me and my wife. I just want to mention that we filed for the police certificates 7 months ago in that country's consulate - it is still pending.
Is it true that since i (as the primary applicant) have all docs, i will then get the stamp in my passport. And that my wife will get the chance to get hers if she can provide the missing doc until september 30th?
Base on you experiance, did it happen that it has stopped before? Does my wife count as one of those 50,000, or the 50,000 is the number of the actual primary winners. (say 1 wins, but actual family size is 5. Does this family take 5 visas out of the 50,000 or only 1)

Thanks alot for your kind help
Sam Golan.