What business to start?


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I have filed my GC and have received my EAD, I want to start a business but not sure, how to go about it? specially what business to start and from where to start with a min investment.
Please help.

Originally posted by GCFiler

I have filed my GC and have received my EAD, I want to start a business but not sure, how to go about it? specially what business to start and from where to start with a min investment.
Please help.


Hi GC Filer,

There are over 70 million baby aging baby boomers that are concerned about their health and wellness
and willing to resist aging and avoid degenrative disease. They control 5 trillion of the spendable income (50% of the US economy). Anything that will make them healthier will make you a fortune.

I recommend you read Paul Zane Pilzer's book:
"The Wellness Revolution: How to make a Fortune in the Next Trillion Dollar Industry". The book was published last year.
You can read the introduction and first chapter for free at http://www.thewellnessrevolution.info

If you like what you read, you can buy the book on the internet for under $20. Probably the best
investement you will ever make.

GC Flier, I am in a similar situation, and I am currently looking into various franchise opportunities. Some have very low start up costs and you can even run some from home. Do a google search and you'll see lots of sites with good advice on franchising