URGENT: J1 Waiver Application while in India


New Member
Hi All

I am on a J1 visa with the 2 year rule. The problem is I would need to head back to India in the next 2 months. Hence I would need to apply for the Waiver from there.

All info on the net so far is about sending the documents to the Indian Embassy in USA or the consulates in USA.

Is it possible for me to start this process once I am back in India? Also where can I find information on it. Any pointers to lawyers in India would also be helpful!

Please help!`

Hi All

I am really looking forward to someone helping me out with this. Do send me your responses.


I'm sailing in the same boat. Did you find any information on this. If yes, pls let me know how to go about it. My J1 got expierd in Feb'08. Now, I'm back in India. I live in Hyderabad and would like to know how to go about the waiver process from India.

Any information that you can give would be highly appreciated.

Hi all again! I've posted the same in another thread, but...

I'm also trying to apply for the waiver from outside US (i'm in Australia, though). I've been writting to the Indian Embassy in US to ask about the procedure, with no luck so far (1 month), but I'm still trying.

After much thinking about how to apply (from India, as you are suggesting, or through the Embassy in US even if we are not there anymore...). This is my hypothesis:

The waiver itself is granted by the Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services (CIS) following a recommendation letter from the Department of State (DOS). We need to contact the DOS to get a case number.. and submit the required information. The Non-Objection Letter is one of the documents to submit and 'if I'm not wrong!' it has to be submitted to the DOS 'directly!' by the Indian Embassy.
So... the Embassy (or Consulate) has a role to play anyway.... I think that the thing to do is to follow exactly the same process than the people who is in US, only writting an 'abroad' address in the form that you can download from the Consulate web to start the process of getting the Non-objection letter.

What is your opinion? Good that we are not alone, at least! I'll write an e-mail to solomon3930. Maybe we can be in touch to share the outcomes??
Dear All,

I am not Indian, but I can share with you my experience, somebody might find it useful, or at least encouraging.

If you are wondering whether you can or not apply for the waiver from outside US, the answer is YES. My J1 expired a couple of years ago, but since I was not interested to extend in US, I never cared about the waiver. Until the end of last year, when for personal reasons I wanted to return to US. During all these years I lived in a third country, other than my home, therefore I am still subject to the 2 years rule.

At the beginning I did not have a clue from where to start the process, nor did I have the money to hire a lawyer. A Native American helped me understand what the DOS requirements are on their web page. Slowly I started to put together the paperwork. You are right, that the No Objection has to be issued by your country's embassy in Washington. Try to find the requested paperwork necessary for your Embassy, on their website. In my case, the Embassy asked for evidence from the Ministry of Education that did not sponsor my internship while I was in the States; a paper from the Finance that I don't have debts in my country and finally a Statement of Reason.

I recommend you, once you gather the documents and send it to the Indian Embassy in DC, keep calling them regularly, until they issue the No Objection and they send it to the DOS.

In order to fill out the online application with the DOS, all you need is the passport and your DS 2019 or the old IAP 66. You submit the form, along with the fees and two self addressed envelopes, which will be used later by the DOS to send you the recommendation. You can write your home address in India, since you are going back, they will mail it to you.

With an expired J1 and application sent outside US and outside my home country, I received the DOS favorable recommendation 2 months ago.

Since then my case has been pending with USCIS for the final approval.

Keep my advice: at any point of this frustrating process, don't give up hope and be persistent, if you know that there were no government funds involved in your internship or J1 program, there's no reason why the No Objection from your Embassy should not be granted and that letter is pretty much decisive in the DOS' recommendation.

Have a lot of faith and keep praying to GOD , things will work out, just remember it's a long exhausting process.

what does the USCIS notice letter say---HELP

Dear Gurus,

I got the USCIS receipt number calling the 1800, but after 2 months of waiting still don't have the actual notice letter. Please advise if it says something about waiting time? Does it say 30-90 days? Please explain how people usually get the waiver in 1-2 months, when the USCIS web page gives you a timeline of 5 months????!!!!

I claimed the waiver on No Objection

Please get back to me, I am really desperate, I need the waiver for a new visa.

Thank you,
Dear Gurus,

I got the USCIS receipt number calling the 1800, but after 2 months of waiting still don't have the actual notice letter. Please advise if it says something about waiting time? Does it say 30-90 days? Please explain how people usually get the waiver in 1-2 months, when the USCIS web page gives you a timeline of 5 months????!!!!

I claimed the waiver on No Objection

Please get back to me, I am really desperate, I need the waiver for a new visa.

Thank you,

This is completely unpreditable, some people get it done in week many others (including my self) get it after many months or even years, few others get denied. No one know