• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

TO all 2006 high case NO. brothers in all regions


Registered Users (C)
Dear Brothers

i am so sorry to post this messege to you , i was sure that one day i will post my detailed experience here to be usfull to the others , but i feel my dreams will be gone with the wend , suddenly yesterday i waked up from the dreams and i saw the reality

every body yesterday read the VB and read the paragraph F

I thought ..is this paragraph mentions us or the other immigration catagories ? like family or employement , its also has its own annual limits

and refering to june 2004 VB , this year also was african disaster , its end with case no. 35500 only , and also june VB was include the same paragraph , but its was mention DV visas in partecular , but this year its general

so i talked to KCC , and really she feel me this time , and she made some phone calls while holding me on line , she came back and told me ( i am sorry they mean all catagories includs DV also ) i said is it normal to post this paragraph F ?

she told me no . they prepare people to the low cut off this end , but she said also that really really nobody in KCC know exactly even aug or sep yet , they still really working on it right now


Although we dont know exactly what is the end ... its only one day to know AUG no. may be all this will be bullshitt , and it will be good who knows exept the great GOD , BUT please every body . prepare your self to the worst ,keep planning your life as better as you can away from USA , the life will not stop ever , only one year ago it was out of our minds and hands ,its only GOD willing .. and this willing is wellcomed whatever it is.

so that if it will end well , we will soooo happy , and if it will bad , we already prepared our life and minds for that

I did that

GOOD LUCK every body
