SEVIS ID transfer issue PLEASE HELP!!!


New Member
This issue happened to me.
This issue about my SEVIS ID was raised with SEVIS department (by the PDSO of current school) in the month of November 2009 and is still pending for resolution.
I was accepted by University A and University B in 2008 and was issued two initial I-20’s by both the universities. I had a SEVIS ID: N0004000000 from University A and N0004888888 from University B. I decided to join University A and got the F1 visa for the purpose and entered the United States with I-20 issued by University A on March 19 2008.
Due to improper course offerings, I later decided to transfer to University B. I submitted a transfer form in University A to transfer the SEVIS ID: N0004000000 to University B. As per the request the officials at University A transferred the SEVIS ID on 03/31/2008.
As I had an initial I-20 from University B, one of the official at University B in a state of confusion/negligence issued an initial I-20 with SEVIS ID: N0004888888 instead of “continued attendance at this school I-20” with SEVIS ID: N0004000000 which got transferred from University A. I later got transferred to University C with the incorrect SEVIS ID: N0004888888 and studying my MS program on the same without interruption. I was never aware of this issue nor did the officials at University C notice it until I held a discussion with the school officials in November 2009.
My actual SEVIS ID: N0004000000 which I should be on, got Auto-Terminated on 10/30/2008 because of NO ACTION. I got this info from University B School Official.
My current school PDSO raised a ticket with SEVIS for a data fix in November 2009 but is still pending. Whenever he calls up SEVIS for status they reply as “PENDING”. He requested SEVIS to resolve this issue by activating my initial SEVIS ID: N0004000000 which was the one I entered this country and should be maintaining the status on and cancel my current SEVIS ID: N0004888888.
I am in a state of confusion of how to fix this. My school PDSO is just saying the same answer that it is PENDING.
I never travelled out of the country and perfectly on status but on an incorrect SEVIS ID.
Is SEVIS, the party which needs to be approached or the USCIS?
Please HELP!
