Second TN


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My current TN is valid until 2012.

1) In order to obtain a new TN for a secnd employer,

A) Do you have to got the border?

B) or can I get it by mail staying in the US?

2)What happens to the validity of the previous TN when I obtain the new TN?

Either way is fine. I-129 has an option for 'additional' sponsor, so your first TN still is valid, both at border or by mail.
Thanks Nelsona,

Can you please advise whether I have to be paid by both the employers at the same time in order to maintain the validity of the two TN status' ?

It depends what your TN letters said. If your TNs were worded to allow you to work occasionally, or part-time, or on as as needed basis, then they remaon valid as long as the relationship exists between you and the sponsor.
It depends what your TN letters said. If your TNs were worded to allow you to work occasionally, or part-time, or on as as needed basis, then they remaon valid as long as the relationship exists between you and the sponsor.

I have two TNs and both were said to be full time in the TN letters. Can I work for one full time and one part-time? or do I have to drop one? Thanks.
The TNs were not granted on the basis of how many hours you would work, but rather the job/task you would be doing.

Your TNs are fine.