S 2045 And The H4 Dependent


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Under the S2045 is the spouse who is on an H4 visa eligble to extend her H4 along with the H1 spouse
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It is a good question, not answered clearly anywhere. It would be really helpful if someone answers it or shares their similar experience, especially in the context of new ACTA(S2045).

Also, is there any provision under 245(i) \'grandfathering\', to get protection to have H1B status extended(should be able to keep working legally) and H4 status for dependents?
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Only H1 status will be extended not H4. H4 can return back to U.S. after one year.
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I have a colleague who not only got an H1 extention after 6 years (for 1 year) but his wife also got a years extention on H4.