reside in windsor. work in detroit. NEXUS card.


New Member
Have completed my landing procedure as PR in Canada last month. I work in US for H1B employer. My employer is going to transfer me to Detroit. I want to stay in Windsor as a PR and commute to Detroit daily to work.

Here are my questions, if you please help settle.

1. Am I eligibel for applying NEXUS card?
2. Do I need to register my car in CA?
3. Get driver's license in CA? (right now US license).
4. Roughly, how much does car insurance cost in CA?

Very confused about this one. I had applied for US GC in 2006. Still pending and will remain pending for another 20 years, possibly.
5.Do I need to withdraw US GC application? will that be a requirement for NEXUS application or the daily commute?

Thanks in advance.