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Hello All,

In any case one need Indian VISA (Visitor or OCI or may be some other kind) to travel to India. As of now OCI gives you lifetime VISA to travel to India.

What are the points goes against going for OCI instead of Visitor or other VISA ?

Thanks All
Actually the only problem with applying for an OCI is the time taken to get it. If you are planning to go to India the next month or so, don't expect to get OCI in that time period.

In most normal cases it is around 2 months but in my case it had gone to 6 months.

Assuming you are holding a foreign western passport, applying for OCI might be usefull in the long run because once you get it you do not have to apply for a tourist visa everytime you want to go. It gives you the convenience of going to India on the fly.
Visitor VISA while OCI in progress

canindo said:
Actually the only problem with applying for an OCI is the time taken to get it. If you are planning to go to India the next month or so, don't expect to get OCI in that time period.

In most normal cases it is around 2 months but in my case it had gone to 6 months.

Assuming you are holding a foreign western passport, applying for OCI might be usefull in the long run because once you get it you do not have to apply for a tourist visa everytime you want to go. It gives you the convenience of going to India on the fly.

Thanks for the reply canindo.

That being the case can I apply or the VISITOR VISA in case I have to travel in between while my OCI is in Progress

I recently heard from someone that if you are an OCI then you are considered an Indian first (than an American) when you are in India. This could mean that you may not get any assistance from US embassy in case you need as the Indian legal system will treat you as an Indian then an American.

Of course, I do not know the legalities here but the person who told me was pretty confident.

Has anyone consulted a lawyer (or any other immigration/legal experts) on this?
It surprises me how many ask this question regarding getting assitance from US embassy.

The rule as posted earlier is that if the US considers OCI as a dual citizenship the us embassy may not cover you in a legal issue while in India. By this we mean criminal issues not parking tickets.

But I believe the US interprets OCI as a visa with a long term. In this case they will assist you in legal matters.

In either case I do not think there has been any case where a passport was not issued or extended by US authorities for an Indian with a US passport and an OCI card.

As for the indian people, an important point, is if you look indian you are still indian. A US passport cannot change ones God given race.

In conclusion while in India try to obey its laws then legal issues will not be there.

Yes you can apply for a tourist visa, as long as your indian passport has been cancelled.

In my opinion though if you need to travel immediately apply for a tourist visa for now and then when you return you can file for your OCI.

The only time both cannot be applied for at the same time, is if for some reason a security check will be needed for whatever reason.
US Citizen

In India an OCI is a US Citizen. You hold US PP. For all those who remember waiting in long lines at the back enterance for a Visa, you can now enter the US Embassy/Consulate from the front door. US Considers OCI like a Green Card.

The only special problem is you can not own Agricultural Land.

A benefit being US/Foreign Citizen: In Indian Railways if you pay in dollars (Cash), you can get reservation against Foreign Quota (I know from my wife's personal experience). Oh by the way the Indian Railways staff were very professional and charged exactly the same price as in Rs. (except that $1.00 = Rs. 42).
You can own agricultural land if it is inherited.

The purpose of the OCI is to give one a lifeline to their lineage.

As for the railway staff, it is always great to read that the heart beat of indian transport is polite and hopefully more efficient.