Income, I-864


New Member
As I understand it, one must be able to support a fiance/spouse at a 125% above poverty level, around $17,500/yr (we don't have children). As proof one must also submit three years of income tax returns. As a recent grad I have not maintained that income level solidly for three years; however, I have recently began a career making much more than that. Will that be a problem (considering my lack of previous income experience)? I read elsewhere one can submit paystubs as well as a letter from an employer stating income and length of employment. Lastly, I make money online via my website and sometimes tutor online. Could such money/income be counted as well? If so, how in relation to salary each year? All in all, since I'm fresh in establishing myself, what might problems might I encounter and how would I overcome them?
I'm in the same situation as OP. I just graduated from college and although I am making a decent salary right now, I didn't really meet the income limit in the past three years to fill out a tax return. How do I prove that I'm financially able to support my fiancee? Thanks all!
As far as Im aware, 'income wise' USCIS only care that you are currently earning 125% over the poverty level and that you will maintain to do so to support your spouse. What you earnt previously doesnt matter as that salary does not stand now when it matters. However, regardless of what was earnt prior to this year, I am sure that USCIS require that you file your last 3 years of taxes whether you were above the poverty level or not