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I am a greencard holder and won my greencard in lottery. I currently reside in California.

My boyfriend is currently working in London and I planned to move there. What do I need to do in order to keep my greencard (if anything)? Do I need to spend a particular amount of time in the US each year? (The same question in case I want to become a US citizen)

My boyfriend spent 4 years studying and working in the US (on his student and work visa that is currently expired). We are planning to return to the US at some point and are trying to figure out what would be the best and simplest way to do so:

a) for me to get a citizenship and to get married
(If my permanent resident card says "resident since 02/28/04" does it mean that I may apply for citizenship in October 2006?
How long does it take to process the citizenship application?)

b) to get married "as is" :) so he can apply for the greencard (in this case I heard it could take forever)

c) he can play in the greencard lottery (He is young European professional, and he thinks he has good chances to win)

d) apply for the greencard based on the fact that he spent 4 years in the US (if it is possible)

I'll appreciate your help very very much.

1) If you want to go to London, you can apply for a reentry permit , I131 : it will give you two years to live abroad, and it would protect your GC.
There is a fee to pay, and you would loose the time already spent in the US counting toward the citizenship application, unless you are eligible for the N470 ( application to protect your continuous residency ), but most people aren't.

2) Well, yes, you are supposed to be a Legal Permanent Resident.
5years ( to apply for USC ) = 60months; but you need to have spent 30months in the US.

A GC is a priviledge , not a right. There are requirements for you to keep it.

a) There is no way you can apply for the N400 ( citizenship ) in 2006 if you became a LPR in 04.
You can aplpy 4years and 9months after you became a LPR ( 90 day rule ) at the earliest, except if you are married to a USC or you are in the US army.
The length of the naturalization process depends on your local USCIS office.

b) As the GC holder ( not a USC ) , it takes about 5 years for you to sponsor him, and that's once you are married.

He is young European professional, and he thinks he has good chances to win
Being from Europe and having diplomas has nothing to do with the lottery. It can help at the interview, that's all. But to get actually a NL, it's pure luck.
There are requirements for the lottery : being born in an eligible country, and having a HS diploma. Trust me, a lot of people qualify, and play. So, he doesn't have good chances. He just has a chance. Lottery is luck.
Of course he can try, but it's a lottery.

d) Yeah right. If that was possible, why would all the H1b holders try the Lottery ?!
Unless his employer sponsors him ( after having sponsored him for a couple of H1b visas), there is no way.