iEAD not issued (SFO, CA) - cannot work - need help


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- never been out of status for a single day.

- entered USA on Apr 95, on H1B - Atlanta, GA. (worked for four months, in West Coulmbia, SC, never visited New Jersey.)

- moved to SFO Bay Area, California on Sep 95, worked and lived here since.

- employer filed I-140 in CA Service center and was approved, receipt - Jan 2001, Notice - Feb 2001.

- employer filed I-485 in CA Service center, receipt - Dec 2001.

- worked on EADs and got APs. (but never used any of the APs).

- my I-485 was transferred to Newark, NJ in Apr 2004, by CA service center.

- employer sent a letter to Newark, NJ office on May 2004 to send the case back to SFO (incorrect jurisdiction) - so far no response.

- initially employer filed for AP in Nov 2004, to SFO local office and they rejected/not accept as I-485 case file is not here.

- then employer filed for AP in Jan 2005, to CA service center, that office transferred the AP also to Newark, NJ. (sic.)

- then employer filed for EAD in Jan 2005, to CA service center.

- in March 2005, CA service letter sent I-797C, saying some processing done and transferred to SFO local office for interview.

- employer sent a letter to Newark, NJ office on Mar 2005 to send the case back to SFO, as processing time is almost 40 months and incorrect jurisdiction - so far no response.

- when I went to SFO office, they are not issuing me EAD. (not even interim EAD). (sic.)

What is wrong here ??? What should I do ?

I-797C - Transfer letter from California Service Center states for AOS/I-485 - start letter - Receipt - Dec 2001, notice - Apr 2004.

"This is to notify you that we have transferred the above application or petition to the INS office at :

Peter J. Rodino Federal Building, 970 Broad Street, Newark, NJ 07102

We transferred this case because the record indicates that office has jurisdiction over this case. That office will notify you of subsequent action taken on this case. Any further inquiries should be made to that office."

end letter.

I-797C - Transfer letter from California Service Center states for AP-I131 - start letter - Receipt - Jan 2005, notice - Mar 2005.

"This is to advise you that in order to speed processing we have transferred the above case to the following INS office for processing.

Peter J. Rodino Federal Building, 970 Broad Street, Newark, NJ 07102

That office will notify you of the decision made on the application or petition. Any further inquiries should be made to that office."

end letter.
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got iEAD for 90 days, after exhasting all options available

got iEAD for 90 days, after exhasting all options available

after exhasting all options available to me and my company lawyer, so many letters to local USCIS office at SFO, CA and Newark, NJ, and many personal enquiries to local USCIS office at SFO, CA office (they know me by my face and tell me not to come back until the case file is transferred back to them.), never applied to EAD at Newark, NJ (does not make sense),

I saw in this forum and rupnet about lots of people contacting their local Congressman. So I did contact my local Congressman, Pete Stark's office. They reviewed what myself and my lawyer did and the fact that USCIS did not issue my iEAD.

Due to the enquiries from the Congressman's office, at local USCIS office, at SFO, CA, I was issued an iEAD on Jun 10, for 90 days.

The local USCIS office at SFO, CA had asked me to ask local Congressman's office to transfer my case back to SFO, CA.

only temporary releif. what a nightmare.

I will try my best for GC, but it is not worth it.
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Contacting Congressman or Senator - my 2c

here, in brief, things that I have learned. - finding your Congressman serving your home addr (not office addr) - finding Senator serving your State (not office)

I am sure you can only contact either Congressman or Senator. Because for example, the case work form at

the form asks clearly

"Have you contacted another congressional office regarding this matter?__________
If ?yes? to the above, which office & when?__________________________________"

When I called the local SFO, CA office of senator, they clearly told me not to contact multiple Congressinal offices.

I think the enquiry by local Congressman resulted in the request (by whom, I do not know) to transfer my file to CSC.

But I was told that "Until/Unless Newark finishes it work, the case may/will not be transferred to CSC." Key point. I guess, Congressman/Senator cannot do more.

(What a nightmare or experience ...)
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travelling to Newark, NJ, will it be useful ?

I am travelling to Newark, NJ, will it be useful ? will let you know.

The Aide to Congressman (whose office HAS been so much helpful.) made an enquiry to Newark, NJ office on first week of Aug 2005. The immediate response from USCIS was that my I-485 file should not be in Newark, unless some other check is waiting. (FBI does not have any record about me as of this writing. FP was cleared the same day. So FBI name check does not show up.)

ramki1975, do you have any updates regarding your case ?

Best Regards,
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Travel to Newark was o.k., I will know in a month or two ....

Landed @Newark on Mon Aug 15th, 2AM.
Return from Newark on Tue Aug 16th 8PM.

Goal: ask the people @Newark about my CSC I-485 file sitting in Newark. (I wanted to get convincing answer, like FBI check, CIA check, backlog, etc. or other details.)

Brief: the lady supervisor at the EAD section apologized to me about the I-485 file stuck @Newark, she told me Newark office did not request the file and wondered why my I-485 file is in Newark and told me that my I-485 file will be shipped out tomorrow.

But since I never lived or worked in Newark, the supervisor told me her supervisor told her not to issue EAD to me. (the explanation was Fishy here, read Ref1.) But the supervisor had couple of files, I guess they were my I-485 file. I did see on the first page on one file my request letter to Newark office section xyz, dated July 15, 2005 to transfer my I-485 file to CSC or issue me EAD.) (I felt such an idiot regarding these treatments.)

Details:Infopass appt @12:15PM, Aug 15th. Peter Rodino Jr. Federal Building.

(tried to get in @10AM. what a crappy process or system. no compassion. I traveled all the way from California. well, those security officers were doing their job ? what a joke. if I am located locally, then I can be turned away.) (Ref:african american lady security officer 1, AALSO1)

Screening lady officer at the counter did not know the full details, the lady looked in the computer and wondered why my I-485 file is in Newark, NJ, told me "let them handle it", I guess she meant the people in the EAD section, she gave me EAD ticket E20. (took less than a minute or two.) (Ref: african american lady officer 1, AALO1.)

Went to the EAD section, the lady looked in the computer and wondered why my I-485 file is in Newark, NJ. She asked the copy of my EAD app and took the app and wrote the current date and asked me to wait for my turn. (took less than a minute or two.) Time around 1:30PM. (Ref: african american lady officer 2 or AALO2.)

BUT my ultimate goal was to ask them to transfer my I-485 file to CSC or get an answer. I asked for AP for my wife's app and transfer my I-485 file to CSC. Because, my sister-in-law gets married this Dec 2005, my wife must attend. (wife's AP was filed mid 2004, immediately it was transferred to Newark, NJ. makes sense, to tie dependent app to main app.)

I guess, the AALO2 realized that she needed some expert advise. so she called her supervisor (also lady, white supervisor).

The supervisor was whining about missing her lunch. (what a nightmare.) (I told her my return was on Tuesday night and I would wait. also gave time for them to do some homework on my I-485 file, like locating it, etc.)

She went for lunch @2:00PM. (I did not have lunch, though cafeteria was one floor down.) She came back @2:45PM.

Many people were given EAD. So people started leaving. It was around 3:30PM. only couple of people remaing. (I even wondered whether I should have kept my mouth shut and received my iEAD first then asked about my wife's AP and I-485 file transfer to CSC.)

I went to the AALO2, asked whether the supervisor was looking into my app. (AALO2 is very nice person.) AALO2 told me supervisor was aware that I was waiting.

(off the topic, there were two little girls (african american) playing in the EAD section, their parents could not control them. couple of times AALSO1 dropped by and warned the parents to keep their kids quiet. well, it was pretty noisy. but those officers in the EAD counters seemed not worried about the noise. there was an white teenager girl Ref:WTG1, who volunteered and engaged the kids and all was well.)

(I can sense that every USCIS officer working in the EAD section was itching to leave and call the day. AALO2 and her colleagues were whispering about the fellow from California here. hey that is me.)

it was almost 4:00PM. only three people were waiting. (some were issued EAD. I guess few people did not receive EAD. I wondered what would happen to me.

Then it was the turn of american citizen lady (of cuban origin ?), Ref:ACL1, waiting for her husband's (of cuban origin) I-485 file transferred to missouri or somewhere and wanted to get an EAD for him.

(though he spoke good english, he never spoke to the officers or vice versa.) one of the officer at the EAD section referred his app to the supervisor. The supervisor talked to the ACL1 and told her husband's I-485 has been rejected and is transferred to other office. (I was so shocked to hear this. there is a parallel to my I-485 case.) The ACL1 showed her bravo like she(ACL1) is an american citizen and he is husband of an american, he is paying his taxes, he will be out of work, he will not be able to support his family, etc. blah blah blah.

The supervisor told the ACL1 that her husband had been convicted of illegal drug case. (not sure in USA or Cuba.) Two of us waiting for EAD were shocked. the room was so quiet. The ACL1 told supervisor that was his past twenty 20 years back, he is clean now. But the supervisor told ACL1 that Newark office cannot do anything, rejected, period, more over his I-485 file is not in Newark. But the ACL1 was agitated and upset. the ACL1 wanted to speak with supervisor's supervisor. the supervisor told ACL1 that she is the super-boss here (just kidding), no one higher is here. (Ref1:remember this when I speak to the same supervisor.)

then the ACL1 asked about supervisor's name, etc. then the ACL1 was told about the FOIPA to request for more information. the ACL1, her husband, and kid rushed out of the office.

Then it was the WTG1's acquaintance turn for EAD. he also went thro' couple of passes before finally being given his EAD. (he mentioned that he had been coming to this office and elsewhere couple of times.)

Time around 4:15pm: (they close at 4:30pm) (I think only two of us were in EAD section on the third floor. It was very visible that the remaining USCIS officers on the third floor were waiting for us and go home. AALO2 had gone inside. I was sure that the iEAD issuing officer waited for me. she must have been mad at me or her supervisor.)

during this time, the WTG1 enquired about me, why I am in Newark ? where I was from in CA, she mentioned she had studied in Berkley, etc. I started talking and we talked philosophy, world poverty, american double standards, I mentioned about Niger poverty despite uranium/oil wealth, war for oil, etc. (unbelievable, I talk like this with my office colleagues and friends and others whom I know. well. everything must have been recorded and all those officers must have heard these comments from me. the WTG1 does not loose anything, I guess she was an american. but I have lot to loose with my philosophy. well. It was spontaneous from me. These were my opinons, I do not have to hide in Federal Building !)

Finally the WTG1's acquaintance got the iEAD. he was so happy.

Well, it is my turn with the devil (supervisor lady).

She called me. She had couple of files. the lady supervisor apologized to me about the I-485 file stuck @Newark, she told me Newark office did not request the file and wondered why my I-485 file is in Newark and told me that my I-485 case file will be shipped out tomorrow.

But since I never lived or worked in Newark, the supervisor told me her supervisor told her not to issue EAD to me. (the explanation was Fishy here, read Ref1 for the details.) But the supervisor had couple of files, I guess they were my I-485 file. I did see on the first page on one file my request letter to Newark office section xyz, dated July 15, 2005 to transfer my I-485 file to CSC or issue me EAD.)

Ref1:the explanation was Fishy here - the same supervisor lady told the ACL1 that she is the super-boss but told me that her supervisor told her not to issue EAD for me.

The supervisor was asking me about whose idea was that to have me to travel to Newark (for EAD ?). I asked her back, what were you doing with my I-485 file since Apr 2004 and no replies to queries.

(Which is true ? I do not know.) But I was happy to hear my I-485 file will be xferred to California. (not sure local SFO office or CSC@LA.)

In the tension/releif, I forgot to get the name/email id etc of the supervisor for my reference or for my Congressman's office reference. I was so stupid. I wanted to get details about her. (But not too concerned since everything must be logged in their USCIS computer.)

Went to hotel room @Howard Johnson. watched TV, jay leno, a good movie till 2:30AM.

Tuesday: went to the same Peter Rodino office @10:30AM. (to undo my mistake and get the name and address of the supervisor. it may not matter much, but I was not doing anything anyway, so I wanted to try.)

I went inside the building to third floor. But there were two new security people who would not let me inside or give me the name/email id of the supervisor. (well, they just follow the rules.)

near the cafeteria, I was making calls to my wife to see whether the online status is changed. nothing. same status. here, I saw the AALO2, she recognized me, still she would not talk to me.

Wanted to know whether my Congressman's office had any input, so I tried to call the Congressman's aide, I guess she was busy or got fed up with me bugging her. I could not speak to her, but left a message for the Aide. (She knows about my trip to Newark. She did not encourage me to go there.)

I came back to the hotel, via airport. At the Airport, bought couple of new toys for my daughter. (sweet little girl).

As of Aug 24, 6:00PM, the USCIS case status shows my case file in Newark, NJ. (well. looks like that is how things work at USCIS.)

Read the article:,15704,1096866,00.html?promoid=yahoo
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thanks to local Congressman's office, I may get iEAD for 90 days more ...

Brief: with my repeated enquiry, my local Congressman's aide told me that I should go to SFO office and I should be able to get an iEAD for another 90 days. (my current iEAD expires 9th Sept.)

after I landed in Bay area on Wed Aug 17th, I did not want to disturb the Congressman's office and decided to wait for the I-485 case file back in California, as I was promised by the Supervisor @Newark EAD section.

The Aide to my local Congressman's office is so nice, courteous, professional and follows up promptly.

I owe my iEAD and next to be iEAD to my local Congressman's office.

Then on Thursday, Aug 18th, I got a call from my local Congressman's office that I should go to SFO office and I should be able to get an iEAD for another 90 days. (She is very courteous to follow up and reply to my message, when I was in Newark, NJ.)

She also mentioned that she got a reply to her email enquiry from the Newark office that my I-485 case file has been transferred to California and is on the way. (but still USCIS status says it is still in Newark, NJ.)

I am somewhat relieved. There is some progress and hope for this.

I will post here once I get my another iEAD for another 90 days or EAD. (if I do get one.)


Karuna, I am impressed you could keep your humor thru out the ordeal. This happened to me too. I used to live in Columbus, OH. I moved to MA, changed address, updated the USCIS system (yes, they even sent me a letter about updating their system with my new add). Then NSC transferred my case to VSC in response to my address update. VSC transferred my I-485 file to Cincinnati, OH, they transferred it to Cleveland, OH and Cleveland transferred it to Columbus, OH. Don't hold your breath for LUD or online changes. They stop once file reached local office (right or wrong office). Local offices can not update online. Since I needed my AP to travel and it was already 3 months pending, I went to Boston office. They looked up their internal file tracking system and told me about all this mess. They said they could not do anything untill the A-file arrived in Boston from Columbus. I asked how many days. The officer said he could guarantee nothing. I insisted on seeing the supervisor. I was travelling for a family emergency. The supervisor went in the back, spoke with her Columbus counterpart and told me that my file should be in Boston in 3 days. They also tracked my dependent's EAD in Cleveland, on its way to Columbus and her AP in VSC on its way to Cincinatti-Cleveland-Columbus. She called Cleveland and VSC too. In 2 weeks, we got our AP and EAD (real one, not interim). By the way, do you have to pay a fee for iEAD? I had also contacted the Congressman's office and they too were calling USCIS to fix their mess. I was pretty mad but I admire your attitude. your SFO office could have done all this without you having to go to Newark. Good luck!
Questions to Pras01 & Karuna

my file is in Newark and Boston office has requested Newark to transfer it back in Dec'04. But so far the file is still in Newark. My current lawyer has not been very helpful.But my earlier laywer ( from prior employer, I used Ac21) still responds to my questions and she suggested I should meet the supervisor in Boston . She said only Boston can adjudicate my case . This is because my case was transferred from VSC to Boston and I appeared for an interview in 'Nov'03. My question to you is how did you meet the supervisor in Boston ? Did you just request the officer ( do you remember the name ?) at the booth and he/she agreed to call the supervisor ?

thanks for sharing your experience. I hope I don't have to follow your suit to bring back my file from Newark to Boston.For infopass appointment did you use any Zip Code of New Jersey ? Because based on the Zip , it decides the center.
my efforts after SFO refused to issue me iEAD on Jun 2nd

- USCIS did not charged me for many of my iEADs. (but they never paid for my every trip which cost $20 gas, $12 parking fee, etc either. LOL.)
- to enter the my local SFO USCIS district office, used infopass, I had to use my present addr zip code.
- to enter the Newark USCIS office, used infopass, and 07102 as zip code but my phone# was my local Bay Area#.)

- on Jun 2nd, for my iEAD info pass, SFO refused to issue me an iEAD. (pleaded with the officer and she called her supervisor, nothing. sic.)
----- I have no idea why the immigration officer at the counter and her BOSS were telling me that they will not issue EAD or iEAD since the I-485 case file is not here.(Ref:Remember this and look at my Jun 10th appt episode.)
- I made another info pass appt on Jun 10th. (just in case I need it.)
- on Jun 3rd, went to local Congressman's office and informed about my problem and not having iEAD. the Aide took copies of the relevant docs and told me that she will inform me later.
- on Jun 6th, company's HR dept asked to file and go on personal leave. (authorized and signed by manager, his manager, division head) (this was a ***real*** wake up call for me.)
- on Jun 6th, my company lawyer (also an employee) sent a letter to SFO office to issue me iEAD.
- on Jun 6th, my company lawyer faxed a letter to my local Congressman's office. (don't know what was the content.)
- on Jun 8th morning, I went to the local Congressman's office and she told me of the Fax from my company lawyer and she was refreshing her mind and taking a closer look at my file. (ummm.) I told her about my another info pass appt again on Jun 10th. She told me that she will get back to me.
- (I was so fed up and thinking of what to do, preparing myself for future actions. I always think everything is happening for my good.)
- On Jun 8th noon, the Aide to my local Congressman told me that she had spoken to her Liaison at SFO office and the Liaison told her that my 180 days waiting was expiring on Jun 10th and I can apply for iEAD. (Not think so, something is fishy here.) (anyways, what a bunch of idiots I spoke to on Jun 2nd ?) (or some one is not telling me what is going on with my case.) (anyways, I was somewhat relieved.)
- Jun 8th, called the 1 -2 -6 -1-Enter WAC# - 3 -3 -1, spoke to officer. (I think officer# does not matter.) She could not provide more information than wondering about my case. (sic.) Then I asked her to file a request for information. (she told me that I have to wait for at least a month for a reply.)
- on Jun 10th I went with confidence to SFO office.
----- The screening officer asked for the reason of visit and I told him I was there for iEAD. He gave me the form to fill in. (I could not locate the copy of the form you had filed, but later found out in my files.)
----- I did feel like I was asked irrelevant questions, by the immigration officer servicing me after waiting for my turn.
----- he asked me where is your I-94 for this year ? did you renew your I-94 ? I told him I have not applied for renewal, but I have been here legally on EAD and I-485. (do I have to renew my I-94 ?)
----- where is the original receipt I797C for I765, notifying you of transfer to SFO local office ? I told him I do not have original receipt, you are having all of my details and my history must be and is your computer. (He was pissed of by this "history" word.) He went inside and came back asked me to go to the EAD section. (he was very grumpy. LOL. I guess, due to me contacting the local Congressman.)
----- The above mentioned "boss" on Jun 2nd was the immigration officer or supervisor who refused to issue me an iEAD but now processed my iEAD. Here are the things this officer or supervisor told :
---------- "I told your case file is not here. Did you go to congressional office ? I hope you went through proper channels." (I did not or do not understand what or why he was telling me about proper channels.)
---------- I told him that he must remember me from last week appt regarding my iEAD, he did not issue me iEAD, so I had to contact Congressional office for help as a last option.
---------- He told me to ask the congressional representative to transfer my case to SFO office. (sic.)
- on Jun 10th noon, filed with HR my iEAD and informed my company lawyer.
- on Jun 10th noon, called the Aide to Congressman and informed about me getting iEAD, she wanted me to wait for a month to get a reply from her Liaison @SFO.
- on Jun 19th, sent a thank you letter to Congressman's office.
- on July 11th, went to local Congressman's office and she told me that she had not received any reply from her SFO Liaison and asked me to wait for another month. (since I have another two months under my iEAD-2005-#1.) She was kind of vague, like they may be processing your case and may not be transferred, if they have to finish processing my case. I was wondering what is happening to my case, and have not heard any clear answer so far.
- On July 13th called the 1 -2 -6 -1-Enter WAC# - 3 -3 -1, spoke to officer. (I think officer# does not matter.) She could not provide more information than wondering about my case. (sic again.) Then I asked her about my previous request for information. she told me that I have to wait for one to month to three months for a reply. After insisting about multiple requests etc, she transferred my case to another officer. He also looked in the computer, wonder why my I-485 file is in Newark, did not know of any FBI or CIA or shit checks pending and he did not tell me anything new information. then I told him about my misery (?) since Jun 2nd, iEAD not issued, blah, blah, contacted local Congressman, etc blah, blah, still nothing is happening. then he asked me to write to Newark office ATTN: Section 245. (Ref: in previous post about my trip to Newark. I saw this letter in my I-485 file during my turn with the superviosr at the Newark office. what the heck is going on ?)
- on July 15th, after seeing in this site, sent a letter under FOIPA addressed to David M. Hardy @Pennsylvania Ave, Wash DC. (never expected a reply.)
- on July 15th, after seeing in this site, sent a letter addressed to CIS Ombudsman @DHS, Wash DC. (so far, I have not received any reply.)
- on July 15th, sent a letter requesting to transfer my I-485 file CSC or issue me EAD and addressed to Peter Rodino Building, ATTN:245, Newark, NJ. (so far, I have not received any reply.)
- on Jun 27th, received a response from David M. Hardy's office that they have no record of me and for further information, (what a crap), they asked me to appeal to Co-Director of Office of Info and Privacy @Flag building, Wash DC.
- on Aug 1st, I decided to go to go to Newark, NJ in person, made an info pass appt for Aug 15th, booked flight tickets and hotel for two full official days @Newark.
- On Aug 3rd, under FOIPA, appealed to Co-Director of Office of Info and Privacy @Flag building, Wash DC. (on Aug 15th, received a reply from them that it may take time to process my app due to backlog. What a crap, to enquire about a backlog, there is a backlog.)

----- Wondering what are those super computers doing ?

- On Aug 10th went to local Congressman's office and informed her that I am going to Newark, NJ. She was not encouraging me to go there but she did not ask me not to go there either. She asked me to let her know of my trip and wished me well and safe trip. (Wow. What a nice lady. may GOD bless her.)
- on Aug 12th, the Aide to local Congressman called me and informed me that she had spoken to her Newark Liaison officer and they informed her that my I-485 file should not be in Newark. (Wow. it tool since Apr 2004 to figure out ? ummm. some thing is fishy here.) The Newark Liaison also told the Aide to Congressman that they are looking into, unless there is some other processing is being done. (ummm. I was/am really wondering what the heck was/is going one.) This was good news to me and hoped for best during my personal enquiry.
- on Aug 15th went to Newark office.
- please read the above for my reply for details about my trip.

- did I miss anything that I could have done ? if so, please let me know.
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AnupB, I had taken appointment for emergency AP. I had my tickets (flight after 2 weeks) and letters and emails showing my dad's date of surgery (2 weeks from then). The officer (white man, name Fuetes, rude) who tracked our files to Columbus, said he requested them but could not guarantee when they would get to Boston. Even to issue an emergency AP, they need the A-File. At this, I insisted to speak with his supervisor. So I insisted on seeing the supervisor. She wasn't nice at first, but when I explained the entire situation, she was went back and made several phone calls. You see, the only way to make sure that your file arrives in Boston is to make sure someone calls the other offices. I believe that my father's illness created a "humanitarian ground for expedite". I also got my congressman's office involved and I think that they also used the family emergency for "expedite". Another criteria for expedite is USCIS "error", which you may qualify for. Contact your congressman and the Boston office both poiting out "USCIS error" in having your file in Newark. Also fax to Paul Novak, complaining about USCIS error. USCIS Errors are common and according to their own memos, they are supposed to correct it asap. However, I have not been able to get an interview from Boston expedited. Since I have my 3rd EAD and AP valid till next year, they believe they have rectified the error and I can always apply to renew the two documents at Boston.

the 'nice lady' at the congressman's office is ineffective. She could have used "imminent loss of livelihood due to USCIS error" to expedite your case. Expedite means within 24-72 hours (my estimate). it appears that the "nice lady" was filing routine enquiries about your problem and getting "gobledegoo" answers. I would have gone to columbus too for my emergency AP, but I had no way of knowing that the file was in Columbus. All LUD updates stop after file is transferred.
AnupB, the supervisor of the EAD, AP area is Joanne Sassone. but there may be more than 1 supervisor. The interview area may have a different supervisor.
My take is, I paid for a service (EAD, AP). I have a right to the service, denial or approval.
Finally got my I-551 stamp on my passport on Nov 22

What an irony ? I booked a ticket for my wife on Nov 17th and USCIS is sending us letter to appear for AOS interview on Nov 22nd 8:45AM. (Bitter - I had to cancel the ticket and pay $250 per ticket and Sweet - getting this whole thing over !!!.)

I did not want to reschedule. (I did not have that much gusto, due to personal problems.)

Though my lawyer told me that my visa date is not current and probably I may have to wait for another year or two. I just did not want to go thro' this EAD stuff again. (I am/was prepared to leave this country, if I had to.)

Appt was at 8:45AM, we were at USCIS office at 8:00AM, waiting for my company lawyer to join. We went inside around 8:20AM, turned in our appt letter around 8:35AM. (My company lawyer flew for my interview.)

The officer asked us to wait, saying he has to finish another couple.

During the start, the officer mentioned that he would know the direction of the interview. (scary suggestion ...) And if everything is o.k. then he will put the I-551 stamp on our passport.

He asked for things, like pay stub, employment letter, etc. We took our US born daughter, birth certificates for the child. (So he was not worried about our marriage. But did ask about our birth certificates, which we never need and told him the same and gave him the Birth Not Available Certificate (NAC) and gave the passport and school mark sheets for birth dates.

It was over in 30-45 minutes. He asked us to wait. My company lawyer told me I may not get the visa number.

The USCIS officer gave our passport around 9:45AM congratulating myself and my wife for the Permanent Residency status as of now. (What a sweet message.) He said he would send the file to service center for further processing and our green cards should be on the way.

We thanked him and left home. We had a message on our answering machine left by the AOS officer that he is missing our medical report and immunization report and he wanted to discuss the case. What ?

I saved the carbon copy given by the doctor and took it and some more copies of docs (mine and for my wife) and the security at USCIS allowed me inside and gave the carbon copy to him and he said that is enough.

Whew. Waiting for the green card. Lots of relief.

I sincerely thank US congressman's office Pete Stark and the Aide to him for helping me.

I sincerely thank this website and all the information, answers to messages shared by many people.

That is all now. If any of you need more information, please email me, I will share more information.
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I am assuming that you belong to a retro country. My understanding is that you got your 485 approved eventhough you belong to a retro country and eventhough the visa numbers were not available? Please clarify. In any case, Congrats!! Glad it worked out for you.
Karuna1972 said:
What an irony ? I booked a ticket for my wife on Nov 17th and USCIS is sending us letter to appear for AOS interview on Nov 22nd 8:45AM. (Bitter - I had to cancel the ticket and pay $250 per ticket and Sweet - getting this whole thing over !!!.)

I did not want to reschedule. (I did not have that much gusto, due to personal problems.)

Though my lawyer told me that my visa date is not current and probably I may have to wait for another year or two. I just did not want to go thro' this EAD stuff again. (I am/was prepared to leave this country, if I had to.)

Appt was at 8:45AM, we were at USCIS office at 8:00AM, waiting for my company lawyer to join. We went inside around 8:20AM, turned in our appt letter around 8:35AM. (My company lawyer flew for my interview.)

The officer asked us to wait, saying he has to finish another couple.

During the start, the officer mentioned that he would know the direction of the interview. (scary suggestion ...) And if everything is o.k. then he will put the I-551 stamp on our passport.

He asked for things, like pay stub, employment letter, etc. We took our US born daughter, birth certificates for the child. (So he was not worried about our marriage. But did ask about our birth certificates, which we never need and told him the same and gave him the Birth Not Available Certificate (NAC) and gave the passport and school mark sheets for birth dates.

It was over in 30-45 minutes. He asked us to wait. My company lawyer told me I may not get the visa number.

The USCIS officer gave our passport around 9:45AM congratulating myself and my wife for the Permanent Residency status as of now. (What a sweet message.) He said he would send the file to service center for further processing and our green cards should be on the way.

We thanked him and left home. We had a message on our answering machine left by the AOS officer that he is missing our medical report and immunization report and he wanted to discuss the case. What ?

I saved the carbon copy given by the doctor and took it and some more copies of docs (mine and for my wife) and the security at USCIS allowed me inside and gave the carbon copy to him and he said that is enough.

Whew. Waiting for the green card. Lots of relief.

I sincerely thank US congressman's office Pete Stark and the Aide to him for helping me.

I sincerely thank this website and all the information, answers to messages shared by many people.

That is all now. If any of you need more information, please email me, I will share more information.