• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

I need clarification urgently.

J Cloud

Registered Users (C)
Thanks to you guys for been there for your advise and information supply.
My questions goes thus:
* I received my NL on the 5/16/2007 and since returned (5/22/2007) to KCC via public mail (Not registered). Any cause for alarm?
*I have not received the second letter.
*In the Form DS 230 Part 1, where addresss is required of your intended resident in the U.S. Must the name specified be the one to give the AOS? If yes, what if the person is not qualified to do this? What must I do?
*My number is 2008AF000004xx, below first 500. When do you think I will get the second letter, when will the interview possibly come up and how do I begin to prepare?
*Where the AOS proves difficult to get, what is the minimum amount (in $)required for self sponsor?
* Can one begin to apply for job especially in the area of account, finance and IS audit. My background is in the area mentioned.
*I have sent a mail to KCC requesting for confirmation of receipt of the posted forms. The automated machine replied that it has been forwarded to the appropriate section for action. For how long do I wait and when receipts is not confirmed what do I do?
J Cloud
Thanks to you guys for been there for your advise and information supply.
My questions goes thus:
* I received my NL on the 5/16/2007 and since returned (5/22/2007) to KCC via public mail (Not registered). Any cause for alarm?
That's not the best way to do it but in my case it worked out ok.

*I have not received the second letter.
You will not receive your second letter until an interview is scheduled for you. The first interviews for the current lottery (DV2008) will be in October.

*In the Form DS 230 Part 1, where addresss is required of your intended resident in the U.S. Must the name specified be the one to give the AOS? If yes, what if the person is not qualified to do this? What must I do?
No, the person you name there does not have to be the one providing affidavit of support (be careful with the abbreviation AOS since it also stands for Adjustment of Status)

*My number is 2008AF000004xx, below first 500. When do you think I will get the second letter, when will the interview possibly come up and how do I begin to prepare?
Check the visa bulletin of previous years (the US-fiscal year goes from October-September): http://www.travel.state.gov/visa/frvi/bulletin/bulletin_1770.html
For more information, first check this thread from Catseyes: http://boards.immigrationportal.com/showthread.php?t=215048 and search this forum

*Where the AOS proves difficult to get, what is the minimum amount (in $)required for self sponsor?
Check what Catseyes writes in the thread mentioned above and check the poverty guidelines: http://travel.state.gov/visa/immigrants/info/info_1327.html

* Can one begin to apply for job especially in the area of account, finance and IS audit. My background is in the area mentioned.
I don't know.

*I have sent a mail to KCC requesting for confirmation of receipt of the posted forms. The automated machine replied that it has been forwarded to the appropriate section for action. For how long do I wait and when receipts is not confirmed what do I do?
J Cloud
I did the same (sending an email to KCC). They sent me the confirmation about a week later (make sure you include your full name, case number and date of birth in your request). I guess I'd write or call them again after two weeks or so...

Good luck!
Thanks Igmu for your quick response.
However you were lucky to do it my own way (postage) and it worked for you. Where confirmation is no received what do I do?
Thanks again
J Cloud
I guess if it becomes clear that your forms, etc. got lost in the mail, you could always download the forms again and send them a second time.
* Can one begin to apply for job especially in the area of account, finance and IS audit. My background is in the area mentioned.
yes, as long as it's not govt jobs you are applying for. Most of the time you will be ineligible for state or federal govt jobs.
Hi all
what is the ( AOS ) mentioned above ??
on my DS 230 Part1 I write the same person on two filed
Is it Wrooooooooooooong ?