How Long after the Medical for Quebec immigration?


New Member

I was wondering how long does it take, approximately, from the date of submission of Medical Exams to the date that the passport request comes. I have submitted mine second week of Feb 05 to buffalo and my visa office of choice was NY. I have no idea how to plan my life, not knowing when the visa will be ready! Anyone willing to share his/her own experience? Is Quebec different than the rest of Canada for this stage of the application or not?

According to a tracker at you should get passport request in about 2 months (well, as you know past performance does not guarantee future results). Since February is a short month I think you should get your passport requested early April... well early May at worse.

Do however tell how long did it take from submiting application to Buffalo to request for medicals. And if you receive passport request any time soon, please keep us posted.
My timeline

Thanks for the reply and the good news. I will keep my fingers crossed!
Here is my Quebec timeline.
Applied to Quebec May 5.
Got a phone call for a phone interview in French in exactly three months (August)
After the phone interview, they sent me the Quebec Selection pretty quickly, in 2 weeks I think with the instruction for the FBI check.
The FBI check took about three months. I sent my file in int he beginning of November.
In two weeks they returned it to me because the money wasn't enough. As it turned out, the fee had increased but the instructions that Quebec sent me, or I found in the internet were not updated, so please beware of that!
I sent the stuff again on November 15, and got the Medical instructions in January.

Good luck to all, please give me more feedback on how long it takes after medical!
r1355 said:
Here is my Quebec timeline.
Applied to Quebec May 5.
Got a phone call for a phone interview in French in exactly three months (August)
After the phone interview, they sent me the Quebec Selection pretty quickly, in 2 weeks I think with the instruction for the FBI check.

Quite interesting. It was not New York office, was it? It took me 10+ months to get my Selection Certificate (I applied April 1st 2004 and got the certificate Feb 15th, 2005 after in person interview in New York)

r1355 said:
I sent the stuff again on November 15, and got the Medical instructions in January.

Was it mid January when you got a request for medicals?

Giving couple weeks for holidays, it would make it consistent with average 6 weeks it takes Buffalo to process CSQ applications from receipt to medicals.

BTW, did you send landing fee along with application fee? They could have taken the application and requested additional money towards landing fee after medicals, but I guess the preffer not to start unless everything is paid for :)

As for the fee, I believe it didn't change... It is USD that keep on falling and Buffalo adjust USD fee now and then - another reason to send Landing fee along with an application.
It was NY office but I was waived the interview. They only did a phone interview.

It was Mid-Jan when I received the medical.
I did send both fees at the same time. They returned everything and said it was not enough. They don't accept anything partial!!!
processing time


I have applied to Quebec CSQ last October, I have got interview letter on the 13th May requesting me to attend 6th june. I have read one of the pages, contain all required documents need to bring to the consulate, is asking birth certificate, right now I don't have that and also I can't get it by 6th. When you went to Interview did they ask you?
2. How much time it took for you the Federal processing?

Appreciated for your help.

Aj :confused:

MOCKBA said:
Quite interesting. It was not New York office, was it? It took me 10+ months to get my Selection Certificate (I applied April 1st 2004 and got the certificate Feb 15th, 2005 after in person interview in New York)

Was it mid January when you got a request for medicals?

Giving couple weeks for holidays, it would make it consistent with average 6 weeks it takes Buffalo to process CSQ applications from receipt to medicals.

BTW, did you send landing fee along with application fee? They could have taken the application and requested additional money towards landing fee after medicals, but I guess the preffer not to start unless everything is paid for :)

As for the fee, I believe it didn't change... It is USD that keep on falling and Buffalo adjust USD fee now and then - another reason to send Landing fee along with an application.
theajayusa said:

When you went to Interview did they ask you?

I don't think they asked me about birth certificates. I don't remember to tell the truth...

theajayusa said:
2. How much time it took for you the Federal processing?

We didn't send out federal application yet, but I hope for 6 months to be done with federals.

MOCKBA said:
I don't think they asked me about birth certificates. I don't remember to tell the truth...

We didn't send out federal application yet, but I hope for 6 months to be done with federals.

Thank you very much. Your information is helpful