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Getting F2 visa while being married to DV winner


Registered Users (C)

I won the DV 2007 and my interview should be in June(July)CP, I sent DS 230
at the same time I will get married this month. Do you know if my wife will be able to get the F2 visa as she will be married to a future immigrant. I intend to update my DS230 to include her only after her interview for the F2 visa.

So what are the chances for her to get the F2 visa , while my DS230 doesn't include her yet?

Any help

Dear Kokoyelb,

My opinion : I wouldn't try to have have the F2 visa. There is a question in the application that asks if you have any immigration intent. ( a F visa is non-immigrant ). So, if she says "no" to get the F2 visa, she's lying. And, then a few months after, she comes back to the same embassy as wife of a DV winner !
That would sound like fraud...
I would go as married to the DV interview. You'll have to pay the fees for both applicants. If you succeed, then she gets the GC right away. If you do not get approved; then she could still get another F2 interview ( have the 1st one postponed to after Sept 30th ). And she wouldn't be lying at that time about the immigration intent.
why F-2 visa? in order to get F-2, you have to be married to F-1.

If she is trying to get F-1, she should go to the consulate for F-1 visa before you go for your DV interview. You could try to get her included in your DV case, but in worst case scenario both of you will be barred from the US forever.

To Catseyes: if she had immigrant intent, they would have married a long time ago, and she would have been included on his immigrant visa application.
Ds 156

Thanks Catseyes and LucyMo for your replies

but I found that the only question in DS 156 that asks about the intention is " Has anyone ever filed an immigration visa petition on your behalf "
Actually if she says "No", she won't be lying because at the time she applies no one filed for he any petition including me, he name is not on my DS 230, and I won't update my DS 230 unless she get F2

What do you think?

yoledo (kokoyelb)
she needs to get F-1 before you change your application listing her as your spouse.

If she cannot get a non-immigrant visa, she will be able to immigrate based on her relationship to you in about 6 years. How come you didn't get married and apply for DV visa together?