• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

current number??

When your number is current, the KCC will schedule an appointment for you to interview in a US embassy.
if a particular number is current, that means that visas are available to the numbers below that particular number, and that means that the interview dates can be set up for those numbers. If a number is not current, the person who has that number will not be set up for an interview.
Thank you for your help and your valubale comments
How could I know that my number is current? Is anyway to check for in advance e.g website?
How about if I choose to go with AOS. Will I have current number set for interview, or that is a different story?
My case number is: 2008AF00013xxx
What is my chance to get the DV?
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You can check on the priority rank progression at the following website:


if you are doing AOS, please read the past experiences posted by past AOSers, like Barbara and me (detailed accounts of what we did). In short, you will need to wait until your number is current (or not too far before it will be current) to file your AOS package.

Good luck to all.
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My case number is: 2008AF00013xxx
What is my chance to get the DV?

Sure you ll get the interview;) Congratulations look on the website "researcher29" told you and you ll see which month match with 13xxx for the DV07 and it will be almost the same for the DV08,
