CPT & OPT Questions


New Member
Mr. Khanna & other experts,

I am currently on an F1 Visa and I am pursuing TWO masters programs (at two different schools) in the same university. I am almost done with one of the programs and one semester done at the second.

I have been offered a 2-year FULLTIME fellowship at the CDC and I plan to do it on my Student Visa (F1).

I have two questions:-

1. Will my plan work? My plan is:-

a. Start the Fellowship on CPT (from school 1) for 9 months.
b. Graduate from School 1 and do OPT for 4 months.
c. Finish the rest of the 11 months as CPT from School 2.​

(All my academic advisors have given me a Go. I am concerned about the Visa issues)

Question 2: Will I have the chance to use the rest of the OPT (8 months) after i graduate from School 2?

I would appreciate if you could give me an answer ASAP.

Thank you,

PS: This fellowship is related both my masters programs and hence i have the support of my academic advisors.
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